Miss Karma has been snoozing next to the crinkle bag the past couple days. Not even the cooler floor can deter her fascination with the hidden bird. ;)

I did get out the dip pens--tada!

Have I mentioned before how much of a pen nut I am? ;)
I had some of these supplies long before I took the calligraphy class--let's see, must be about 17-18 years ago now. Here's all my dip pens--or pretty nib holders.

I also have some plain, utility-type nib holders that I used for practice, but these are all the cool ones.

Left to right, 2 metal, 2 glass, 3 wooden, a hand cut quill, and my all time favorite the feathered one with the brass nib holder.

Next I had to pick an ink bottle. I have this entire drawer filled with a variety of inks. Some are for drawing and art only. A lot of them can be used for dip pens and some of them can be used in fountain pens.

I also have these two Levenger boxes I keep in my desk hutch...

...that are sets good for fountain pens.

I picked a new brown J. Herbin ink bottle.

Love the few bottles I have with the built in pen holder.

Of course, I needed my wooden ink blotter.

And after I pick a pen, I have to pick a nib. I have this little plastic container that holds the used nibs (I picked from there). The ink eats away at the nibs, so I keep the used ones separate from...

...my bigger container of nibs.

I labeled them or I'd never remember which was which when it comes to reordering.

Out of all the nibs, I have only reordered three--this blue Brause...

...this blue Hiro...

...and my all time favorite for letter writing--this Brause nib...

...I have reordered twice. :)

It has a reservoir to hold ink so that you can write and write for quite a while before you need to get more ink. Talk about a thin calligraphic point, too. Love these!

If I am in a very contemplative mood I use one of the blue nibs. There is a soft rhythm to dipping and writing--dipping and writing--that comes with those nibs that need constant refilling. And they do tend to look even more like they are written with a dip pen--at least in my hands--hehe! The thick to thin handwriting--the occasional small blobs of ink...ahhh! Transports me to another age. :)
But I chose my favs since I am out of practice, after all.

I always have a scratch pad nearby, too, so I can check to see that the ink isn't going to be coming out too fast after I first dip it.
Anyways, it was marvelous! A slower pace to savor. :)
Well, we have a day off tomorrow from the class. A perfect time for a break since we just finished up on "the past", which was a rough and enlightening week for me. I have lots of concepts to absorb and ponder. And since they won't post the Wednesday audio call and mediation until Thursday, I have a good long time to think about all of the things we covered the past week. (With my irregular hours I just wait till they post the following day.)
Today Caroline comes to clean--but to me it feels like the weekend because I have two days off from class--ROFL! I don't want to lose my basic focus, tho--so I'll still be working on a little class stuff every day. ;)
Happy, happy Tuesday!!! :):)
"The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live."
Flora Whittemore