Tuesday, June 23, 2015


Goodness!  It's Tuesday already!
Blogger was being obstinate this morning and it has taken me 45 minutes just to load pictures.
It was the deck pics I got from Leah that were causing Blogger's heels to dig in but I finally got them.  They look like Blogger shrunk them, though.  I hope you can click on them to enlarge them.  ;)  Anyways, I see Ian was supervising Daddy dumping gravel.
After that got spread around the post bases... 
...the fun began--LOL! 
Leah tells me Chuck did most of the work and she was the Tool Girl assistant.  Dagan and her sister, Michal, were necessary help, too.   
Looking good!! 
So that is the main project that has been keeping McFamily very busy.
While I've been busy purging, Miss Karma has been soaking up the 80 degree heat.  Will be her last month on the porch.
(Just between you and me, she doesn't stay out there for hours and hours like she used to, though...gets up all stiff-legged and hobbly.)
Most of my before and after pics would be like that dresser I showed you previously--LOL!  But I have made it through the two bedroom dressers, three cabinets in the living room, the nightstand, and (no before pic) this craft bookcase in the bedroom.  I keep plugging away.
Leah was babysitting her nephew, Julian, so Dagan and Ian stopped by Saturday night for a little while (and Dagan hauled home some stuff, too).  Dagan suggested I take a video to show Leah "Crate Baby"!  (This is what we get up to when Mom's not around--LOL!)  Ian was on the tired side but he loved being driven around my apartment in my new cart & crate. 
 The video was taken when we first started.  I should have taken another one because the game got wilder and faster!  Gramma sat down and every time they went in my bedroom I'd call--"Where's Ian?  Where did Ian go?"  They'd come around the corner--"There he is!"--and Ian would smile and laugh.  And Daddy went faster on the living room stretch.  Zoom!  Zoom!--we'd shout!  It is so easy to entertain them at this age.  
Of course, now Ian probably thinks this is his private toy--LOL!
Dagan packed up all the books in Cashwise bags.
After they left Karma checked them out, of course.
She had been hiding behind an end table watching the Crate Baby game.  Fun for Ian, but there was cat-barfing during the night--LOL!
I chopped up the old memory foam mattress pad.  I had this idea that maybe I could trim these down, make some washable pillowcase type covers for them, and they just might work for cat beds/mats since Miss Karma's arthritis is getting to her, too...and she apparently LOVES the new memory foam pad on my bed.  ??
So to see if it would actually work for her (you know how particular she can be) I wrapped an old towel around one just to see what she'd do.  She will not step on naked memory foam.  Or the new red bathroom rugs, for that matter.  No clue why.  
I think it will work?
Don't you?
Sammy and Annie might like one, too.
Yesterday I emptied the curio cabinet...even the drawers...
...and packed my first box!  TaDa!!
I heard back from Pam (outreach library lady) and Dagan can drop the books off at the library's front desk any time they're open.  So he will do that this week, I hope.  I haven't talked to Pam for about a year, but she was so happy to hear I got in at North Sky and that I have a new grandson.  Sweet lady!!
On the other hand.
Not that she's not sweet or nice...but.  
I called her to find out if I had official approval yet and to arrange a time to sign the lease and pick up the keys (27th at 1:30pm).  She asked me if I had gotten the bank form because she hadn't gotten that yet.  
(Heart in my throat.)  
Yes--signed it and mailed it out the very next day.  
Oh...well, I haven't checked my mail for a week or so over at the main office...must be over there. 
 Yes, that's the address that was on the business card you gave me.
Don't worry.  You are approved as far as I'm concerned.  We just need to dot our Is and cross our Ts because in a brand new building they audit each new resident's paperwork.  I'm sure the bank isn't going to tell me you have a hidden million dollars.  
Miss Sheree has a much more casual attitude than I am comfortable with...but I am trying to just ignore her.  I told her I am moving in on the 28th and picking up the keys on the 27th, so I hope you have all the paperwork in order by then.  And I do hope you are going to BE there on the 27th...(add a hollow half-chuckle).  Sheree was typing the appointment into her computer calendar while we were on the phone.
Meanwhile, I meet tomorrow afternoon with Ashley--my Federal Housing worker--to start the paperwork process for the August change over.  So, I am off duty on purging today so I can manage to drive over there tomorrow.  (Boy, I am glad I hung on to those two Percosets.)  Leah and Ian are planning to stop by after they run errands this afternoon.  I will still make another trip to the dumpster and garage, though.  Getting too crowded in here again.  ;)
Supposed to be in the low 80s again today.  I know that's nothing for a lot of you...but I am definitely a northern girl.  Gets much over 70 and I become uncomfortable.  Always easier to add layers.  Can only take so much off without getting arrested--LOL!
I talked with my mom on the phone yesterday and she sounded so much better than the couple other times we have connected since she's been in the hospital again this time.  She's still very weak, but is going to physical therapy now.  Has no appetite, but we are all bugging her to eat--and not skip physical therapy no matter how tired she is.  :)   She told me Blaine, Kathy, and Renee are flying down July1st and she sounded so happy about that!!  Nice!!  I hope she continues to improve and gets up to family in Minnesota.  :):)
Well, I did not make it around last week for T Stands For Tuesday, but several of you came by to visit me, anyways.  Thanks so much!  It might be hard for me to spend as much computer time for the next month or two, but things will get back to normal after I am moved.  Once again, I even forgot to get a what-I-am-drinking photo.  Sorry.  (My red thermal mug is standing right next to me filled with hot black coffee as I type.)  Life gets like this sometimes.  I will try my best to make it around today since I have to take it really easy so I can even get over to my appointment tomorrow.  ;)
I have a feeling this time is going to speed by.  Isn't that the way it goes?  When you have lots and lots to do and a deadline--time seems to just fly past.  Me?  I will probably get to see that giggling little boy again today--hurray!  And Leah, too, of course--LOL!  ;) ;)  Have a wonderful week!!  
"Laughter is carbonated holiness."
Anne Lamott


Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, dear Rita! First thing, I am very happy to know that your mother sounded better on the phone. That's huge, in my opinion. If she maintains a positive attitude and does everything the doctors tell her to do, she'll be back up and running soon. I loved seeing Ian riding around the apartment in his makeshift kiddie car. Karma looked very comfortable on that memory foam wrapped in a familiar old towel. I can picture her taking many long naps on it. I hope the purging and moving approval continue without a hitch, dear friend Rita. God bless!

Linda Kunsman said...

You are ever so busy as usual but just think next year at this time you will be completely relaxed and happy in your new place(not that it will take THAT long:) That deck looks super-very professional looking! Got a kick out of Ian's new toy too:):) Happy T day!

Intense Guy said...

That deck looks AWESOME!!!! Wowsers!! Those two have a second career if they want one!

Might have to get another cart LOL - Ian claimed this one!! Laffs - his smile is so infectious!

And hey, Karma approved memory foam bedding!! You need a little "Inspected by [karma footprint] label to put on the ones for Annie and Sammy!

Just reading what you wrote about "that" person purportedly handling your move upsets my tummy! Hope it goes well - fingers crossed!

Intense Guy said...

I'm really happy to hear the "improving" news about your mom!

Viktoria Berg said...

I´m new to T Tuesday and your blog. You certainly seem to have much going on! The cat looks very comfortable on the foam mattress, I think that is a hit. Happy T-Day!

Anonymous said...

Karma looks Komfy.
Ian looks a little skeptical...
You could do commercials with that accent!

TexWisGirl said...

so glad your mom sounds better! i think karma likes her new foam beds. :) miss sheree would worry me to death, too.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Aren't cats the most unique animals? I swear they are all different, too. Karma has definitely approved the old memory foam.

Glad to read about your mother. Hope news continue to be positive.

That's one awesome deck. I'm super impressed.

Thanks for sharing your week with us for T this Tuesday,

GrandmaG said...

The deck looks great! With a gate, it can be a nice additional play area for Ian. Baby's get bored too. Using the memory foam for pet beds definitely looks like a good idea. But you were right to test it before putting in more work. Cats can be so picky!

Carol said...

Happy to hear that your Mom is improving :) Take care of yourself now too :) and we understand if your'e hit and miss for a while♥

Craftymoose Crafts said...

Good to hear that things are progressing with your move. I think Karma likes her new memory foam bed. Shhh, we won't tell her what is under the towel, LOL! Glad your Mom is improving, too.

Darla said...

Fun to see what the family is up to. Ian will think that cart is just for him from now on, LOL! Glad you are making progress on your move. Can't wait until you show us your new place.


DJan said...

Sheree is way too laid back for comfort. I am glad to see how well everything is going, though. Your video is too cute. Ian is growing up so quickly! And it's good news about your mom. :-)

Denise Price said...

I'm glad to hear that your mom is starting to sound better. Hope she continues in that direction! You have a lot going on now, so good luck with everything.

froebelsternchen said...

What a fantastic deck and Karma and Ian are just UNIQUE!!!
Best furthermore for your mother!
Wish you much power for all!

jinxxxygirl said...

Casual attitude seems to be the 'in ' thing now... Do they not realize they are messing with YOUR life or do they honestly just not care??

You reminded me of when my daughter was little and i used to put her in a wicker basket and push her around on the wood floors.... she loved it! Wore me out but she loved it :) Hugs! deb

Krisha said...

I suggest you get an other cart.....cause that one NOW belongs to Ian.

Good to hear your "moving" right along in getting ready to move. Looking foreword to seeing you get moved in to the new place. That Sheree is an air head and needs to find a different job......someplace else!!!

Thank for taking the time to drop by on T-day.

~*~Patty S said...

What a fun ride for little Ian...he sure was having a great time in it!
You are getting LOTS done and seem so organized.
Keep up the good work.
Great deck...they will enjoy that for sure.
All best wishes to you and your family Rita.
Happy T Day even if it is already Thursday

Ohhh Snap said...

Keeping my fingers crossed your move goes smoothly! Sounds like Ian was having a lot of fun. It's funny what cats like and don't. I had 3 littermate kittens all of them hated walking on my bath mat, but my other cat loved it for walking, naps, etc.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Sheree doesn't have a move in her future does she? She should realize that what she does or doesn't do has consequences. I hope she gets her poop in a pile and soon.
Karma gives her seal of approval to the memory foam...I bet she will be content in front of that new patio door on one of those:)

pearshapedcrafting said...

Karma looks so comfortable there! Hope your packing things up becomes easier! A very belated Happy T day to you, Chrisx

Deb J. in Utah said...

Wow - I love the quote! Anne Lamott is my favorite author. Great looking deck. That will be so nice! Glad you are getting ready for your mom. Hope you love your new place! Can't wait for pictures. Great idea to make some nice memory foam pads for Karma! You have a great weekend!

ChicagoLady said...

I'm so glad your mom seems to be doing better! You're doing a great job of purging and sorting. I think you'll be all ready by the 27th. Hopefully Karma won't get too upset about the new place. You probably won't want to deal with her "christening" it the first day there. LOL

AliceKay said...

I loved the video of Ian, the Crate Baby. It looked like he was holding onto the sides for dear life. LOL Ian knows how to entertain grandma, too. ;)

Dagan and Leah's deck looks great. They do good work....and they work well together.

Sheree's laid-back attitude would be a bit unsettling for me. I'm a worry wart and I like knowing things are done when they should be done and not left for last minute. Will keep my fingers crossed things will be ready for you when the time comes.

Good idea with the old memory form pad. Looks comfy for Karma. I think Iggy has the right idea. They need Karma's "inspected by" pawprint on those made for Sammy and Annie. :)

I'm keeping your mom in my thoughts and prayers. I hope she gets well enough to travel back home to Minnesota soon.

Karla B said...

I showed your post to my eight-year-old niece and she was delighted. First because your home is made of wood whereas ours is made of brick and second because tthere is no fence around it and here we have fences around our homes.Love your photos and Miss Karma is a feast for my eyes!Sorry for the belated T day!

Serena Lewis said...

So glad to hear your Mum is sounding a lot better.

Loved Crate baby! hehe

And Karma is as sweet as ever.

I must tell you about my sister's boss....very laid back too on matters that she shouldn't be. lol I'm sure it will all work out in the end for you. WOW! Moving day is creeping ever closer. SO exciting! You will have to email me your new residential address.

Now to catch up with your newer posts as I've fallen woefully behind again. xo

Serena Lewis said...

I meant to add that the porch looks AMAZING! :)