Good Morning!!
I went to bed at 1:15am Saturday night/Sunday morning. Had been awake for almost 30 hours because I couldn't sleep so I thought--good, I'll be on days because I haven't been sleeping well so I probably won't sleep long. Ha! Well, after being sick and not sleeping well for a stretch I guess I collapsed. I woke up at 3:45pm! 14 1/2 hours!! I can't remember the last time I slept that long. True, I was up about 7 times, but I was able to go back to sleep again. Whoohoo!
Yes, I've been up since yesterday afternoon, but feeling more human than I have this last week. ;) So, I decided to play a little with the new toys (I've been dying to get my hands on) and do another background page spread in the art journal. Sprayed the pages in my misting box...
...using the Sugar Maple and Starfish from the Tattered Angels set...
...and left it to dry.

They always look so different when they dry. Always fun to see what you end up with.
The browner Sugar Maple showed up better after it dried.

Almost a golden brown.

It was really hard to get the metal thingie out of the hole so that I could separate the smaller flower stencils. I think I would just cut them free next time.
Anyways, I used four of the flower stencils and my walnut ink spray. I bought these walnut ink granules by 7 gypsies at K&Krafts in Moorhead many years ago.

You add the granules to a mister spray bottle of water. Since you are adding them yourself you can make it as light or dark as you want depending on how much of the granules you add. You could also make your own spray buy mixing liquid walnut ink and water, too.

I sprayed fairly heavily because I wanted the contrast so the flowers would show up well. Left it to dry.

Here is how the pages looked after they were dry.
I am very happy with them. :)
Otherwise, I have just been writing some letters, hanging out with Karma, listening to the meditation series, and catching up with all the interesting blogs I follow. I need a couple more days of decent sleep, that's for sure. Here's hoping I sleep as well today. The sun is up. The sky is blue. It's 25 degrees, Christmas Eve on Saturday, and the ground is brown. :(
Well, I am going to catch up with some more of the shows I've recorded--been doing that, too. Still feeling rather zombie-ish. ;)
Have a super-duper Monday!! :):)
"Today is your day, your mountain is waiting, so get on your way."
Dr. Seuss
I can see why you're pleased with them, they are really lovely. And 14 hours? Wow! I might have accomplished that now and then, but not very often. I hope this means you'll be feeling much better now. :-)
I hope all that sleep is helping you feel better!!
The ground is brown... perfect way to put it when you have a Dr. Seuss quote!
I just had to pop over to check up on you and I'm so glad to hear you finally caught up on some much-needed sleep! I am going to be staying off my computer for the next couple of weeks, but may cheat now and then, just to check up on you! Take care & I wish you a wonderful Christmas, Rita with your family and, of course, who could possibly forget Miss Karma! Big hug xoxo
Sleep baby, sleep!
Those stencils really made a neat look to the journal pages. I like them a lot!
The pages turned out pretty cool looking.
I've slept that much before and then it seems like it takes another day to recuperate from all the sleeping. :)
I hope you continue to sleep more!!! I always say I can deal with just about anything WITH sleep, and not deal with anything WITHOUT it! Ugh!
I am loving your misting spray art!!! It's just so cool and you are making me want to try it! YES! Something new to buy, lol! But not just yet. I have too many new goodies of my own to play with first, lol!!!! I colored two of my Magnolia stamps today and it felt so good to be coloring with my Copics again!!! I put all my things away and indexed my new stamp sets in my binder. I'm enjoying having a cleaner room!! I "stole" Thomas' mini laptop and I either video chat with my friend in England or watch TV shows online. Loving it!!! Thomas? Yeah, not so much!
OH! I just got in your Christmas card today and I love it!!!! Thank you so much!
And I'm mad that you sent money!!! I'm going to have to make your package bigger there!
very glad your body got some much-needed rest! here's to many more hours! :)
Oh for a good solid sleep!!! I sure need one of those.
The colors you are working with are really nice. Love the affect!
Merry Christmas.
Hooray for getting some decent sleep and feeling better. I am so glad!
I love the colors you are using. Beautiful!!
I'm so happy ya got some great rest!!!
Your art work is to be commended, it's just beautiful sweetie.
God bless and have yourself a marvelous day!!! :o)
I have never seen that done before! That was seriously impressive.
14 hours?!!!! Lucky you! I don't think I've ever slept that long.
I absolutely love your flower background pages, effective!
Enjoy the shows ~
Serena xo
Djan--Thanks! I've only slept that long a few times (not counting when I had mono, of course). I guess the not sleeping much all week caught up with me. ;) I am feeling better, thanks!
Iggy--Yes, I wish I would have slept well yesterday, but I still am feeling lots better.
I know you're dreaming of a brown Christmas, Mr. Grinch--LOL! ;)
Desiree--Oh, I'd be honored if you would stop by to see what little Karma and I are up to, lady!! :):) Have a wonderful blog break with family and lots of laughter! :)
Deanna--Thanks, I'm really having fun with the stencils. I am hoping to sleep better again sometime today (Tues). ;)
Rubye--I know! You feel like a zombie for a day or you've been away on a long voyage or something--LOL! But if you sleep that darn long your body must have needed it badly. Got jolted awake by a phone call tonight, so I got about 5 hours. So much for the sleepathons, eh? LOL!
Jeannie--Maybe I'll get more sleep this next time, but I know what you mean.
I haven't had my copics out for a long time, either. Sounds like you have a nice setup with hubby's laptop!
Hey! I just wanted to cover postage/packaging and your time and trouble. You deserve it! :)
Theresa--Yes! Here's to more hours of good sleep! Thanks so much!!
Parsley--It's so crummy when you don't get much sleep. I hope you get some yummy, good sleep, too!
Beth--Thanks! I think I was about ready to be walking into walls pretty soon if I didn't get me some sweet sleep! :)
You've got me thinking about baking Christmas cookies, lady!
Nezzy--Thanks so much, sweetie! Glad you liked the flower shadows. I have been enjoying my new playthings. Simple enough for me who can't draw very well--LOL! :)
Melynda--Oh, it is such fun to play with! I've just been doing backgrounds, but I can go back and do collage, stamp, draw, write on it...whatever I want to do. I've been kind of stuck on the joy of the backgrounds so far. ;)
Serena--What are you doing online? You should be taking it easy, lady! ;)
The stencils/templates/masks (they call them all three when you search for them online) are such fun! I am even thinking I need to have a larger art journal next time! Me! Miss smaller is better--LOL!
Take care of yourself!
Love and hugs! :):)
14 hours? WOW!
Sounds like someone's been having fun! :)
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas too; looks like the only white I'll get is frost though... We have plenty of that; thick frost too. I want snow though!
Such a long sleep. I can empathise with you as I have a similar problem. The stencilled work is lovely, I do like the effect of stencils, so soft round the edges like watercolour work.
Thanks for showing the process.
Hope you get another long sleep tonight, refreshing and rejuvenating:)
The pages really turned out cool:)
i always like to see the new crafty stuff you're working on!! mister box...stencils...very cool!! i like how they turned out. but sometimes...for me...i like the way the colors are brighter when they're still wet...for's a little bit of a let down when the paint dries and the colors have dulled. that's when i pull out the acrylic spray! :)
i hope you get over this zombie stuff...and catch up more on your sleep...
here's hoping you get some white stuff on the ground for saturday...
i LoVE dr seuss!! some of my favorite quotes are his!!
have a very merry christmas you & karma...and family...and a happy, healthy, magical filled 2012!! :)
Wonderful creations ~ I will most likely be offline for a about a week starting tomorrow ~ Happy Holidays ~ You may not hear from me ~ but I am wishing you magical sleep! regular routine of sleep ~ ^_^
Tori--I haven't had a lot of sleep at a time since then, but the long sleep was great!
We may get another dusting of snow before Christmas...maybe. Such a strange year. They've been getting snow south of us. I hope you get some, too. :)
Gwen--Chronic fatigue and insomnia are not a good combination for getting a lot done. ;)
I love the soft, blurry edges of the stencils with the mist, too. It does have a kind of watercolor effect--true.
I think I'm going to have to ask Santa for some consistent sleep--LOL! ;)
Connie--Thanks so much!! Happy holidays!!
Laura--I agree. I do like the bolder look while these are wet. When they dry they are kind of that shabby chic look, I guess. My Radiant Rains retain more color, I think.
I'm still kind of half zombie right now. Been not the best time for sleeping days with phone calls about deaths (now my mom's cousin died). This too shall pass. ;)
Oh, I wish you and yours the best, too!! Give Milo some extra cuddle time from me! :):)
Carol--Have a wonderful blogger break and a great Christmas! Best wishes for the holiday season! :)
This is just beautiful. Thank you for sharing. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Anne--Hello! Thanks so very much! Happy holidays to you, too! :)
wow - that's quite the project - those stencils are wonderful!
And, ah, sleep. If I don't get my 8hours I'm not fit to be around.
That was a good night's sleep! Glad it let you rest up so you were ready to play with spray - those are rich and fabulous colors!!!!!
Tammy--It's a small handmade journal with cheaper watercolor paper. Been having fun learning something new. :)
I don't normally get crabby or anything with lack of sleep, but I get drifty and zombified--LOL!
Carolyn--It was shockingly long! I even slept one stretch of five hours without waking up, too--ahhh! (I usually am up every 1-3 hours.)
Isn't it fun to play with color!! Nice!! :)
Loved the Dr. Seuss quote.
The weathermen can't decide whether or not we'll have a white Christmas. They change the forecast from day to day. Personally, I would prefer it waits until the day after Christmas when I won't have to travel and I don't have to go to work.
AliceKay--That's why I prefer it to snow well before that it isn't necessarily snowing when people are traveling for Christmas, but it can still be white. ;)
Enjoy your time off!! Be safe! :)
Kelly was talking to someone local who's lived here for years; apparently we'd normally be knee deep in snow by now, but this year's been warmer than normal, and temperatures seem to be "a month or two" behind what they should be... In other words, he said we probably wont get snow until mid January this year. *pouts* Figures we'd get an unusually warm year my first year here!
Wow, that is beautiful!!!!! I love how you did them. You know I thought the same thing about those hooked together stencils. The instant I saw that they were hooked together I thought I'd take them apart. Then you said you would right after. Great minds think alike! I saw some of that spray ink just like you bought at Michael's when I was there but I was there for something else so I have to be good. I can't live without my paint pens... but you know what??? I actually wanted my gold paint pen for something I made for you and now that I have it I realized I had already sealed up the box and given it to my husband to mail. Oh well...
Tori--We usually have quite a bit of snow by now, too. the weather has been strange the last few years. :)
Donna--Yup! They work much easier taken apart. I couldn't have used more than one at a time, either--duh!
I have to google those paint pens to see what you are talking about.
Box!?! Mail!?! Handmade!?! OMGoodness! You know I'm like a little kid about gifts!! Whoohoo! :):)
Dear Rita,
That two-page art journal spread is gorgeous! I so love the way they dried and the addition of the flower stencil was inspired!
Yes. You need more sleep but it astounds me how even when you are tired you keep giving us such interesting posts. What a marvel you are.
Dee--Thanks! I love how the outline is soft even when the colors are bolder.
My best friend, Ruby, always tells me how amazed she is at what an interesting life I lead and I never even leave home...well, rarely--LOL! I think it is just that I find everything so interesting. ;)
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