Saturday, June 13, 2015


Well, hi!
I was thinking I would blog all week to at least give you an update about my mom, but information was changing daily and I wasn't able to connect with her on the phone until yesterday afternoon. 
As you may recall, Blaine brought Mom in for lab work on Wednesday morning.  Well, they admitted her into the hospital.  She has a terrible urinary tract infection, was too weak to walk, and they expected her to be in the hospital for maybe a couple of weeks.  Blaine and Kathy could not switch their tickets and decided to fly back to Minnesota Wednesday since Mom was at least safe in the hospital for now and getting care.  You can only miss so much work, either.  Good grief!  Blaine is lucky he has been able to get as much time as he has already...and he'll be going back to Florida.
All I know so far is that they haven't found anything else, but the infection is so bad that it could explain her decline.  She's been on intravenous antibiotics (and they have been switching them so you know they are having trouble finding something that works better), but she still has the infection, is very weak, sleeping a lot, still can't walk or get out of bed or even reach the phone.  But at least she's getting treatment for the infection and they say there is some improvement.  It is so hard for my brother to deal with all of this from 1600 miles away.
If you have anyone you love in a hospital, nursing home, rehab center, or any similar facility and you can get over there...please, please visit them regularly.  Doesn't matter what age they are.  They need someone to be there for watch out for advocate for them, you know?  Our mother was basically confined to her bed..."housed"...for over a month at that rehab center...they never even washed her hair...she has bed sores...a raging infection...and it has eroded her natural positive nature and left her listless, weak as a kitten, sick as a dog, and on anti-depression medication.  It breaks my heart!  It breaks all of our hearts!
Ever since the accident she has never been healed enough to get home in Florida (which was what she wanted to do and we expected when she went to rehab) or to make the trip to Minnesota she needs now.  We just keep praying for her to heal enough to be able to make that trip back up here to where family can be there for her.
Any prayers and good thoughts are greatly appreciated.
Seems like things have just been off this last week.  Even a simple order of four plastic hanging file storage totes from OfficeMax/Office Depot went awry. 
But Miss Karma had to check them out immediately, of course. 
She rubbed... 
...and rolled.. 
...and rubbed.  Must be that new plastic smell.  Did anyone else love that smell of a new doll like I did?  I still remember rapturously sniffing my brand new Tiny Tears doll one Christmas at my grandparents in Denver.  I thought it was the best smell ever--LOL! of the totes was broken...cracked all along the one end (which is the built-in handle)... 
...partway up one side... 
...and the other, too. 
I have been dealing with this issue for three days.  It is still not resolved, even though I have already gotten the replacement tote.  Things just haven't been going smoothly recently.  (Is there really something to that Mercury retrograde business or whatever they are talking about--not sure I got that right, either.)  
Office Max/Depot told me UPS would do an exchange when they came with the new tote, but they didn't.  UPS wouldn't take the package without a damage request from OfficeMax/Depot or a new package label.  I thought OM/D had already done that because they told me everything was taken care of.  I tried to call OM/D's 800 number five times over two days and it would go beep-beep-beep and disconnect me.  I've tried emailing them--no response.  
So I figured I try it from the UPS side and have talked with them a couple of no avail.  At one point on the second call to UPS (and the third person I had told the whole story to) the lady said they wouldn't pick it up from my place because they didn't deal with packages of so little worth (the tote is only $15.99), but they would come and pick it up if I paid the $10.95 pick up fee.  Ah, no.  They keep telling me I need to have OM/D do the proper paperwork or send me a shipping label.  I'm still waiting for an answer to my last email to OM/D.  I will try and call again...but maybe Monday.  I am telephone fried.
My last resort will be to bring this damaged tote over to the Office Max in Fargo and drop it on their service counter.
Do you remember how they left my new desk down in the entryway?  Ever since they have combined companies--service has been awful.  I guess I am done with ordering anything from them online.  Done.  I am not waiting for three times you're out.  Twice in a row is enough for me.  (And they were the ones who sent the lone marker in the humungous box, too--LOL!)
But...Karma's new heart tag from Doctors Foster & Smith came quickly and was perfect.   
I wanted her name and my number on Karma's person in case she ever does get out the sliding glass door after we move.  :)
Speaking of the move.  Sheree did send me the new form for my bank and says she already took care of the paperwork for my landlord.  I mailed the bank form back immediately.  But she neglected to tell me that I need paperwork to show Karma's vaccinations are current.  So, Miss Karma will have to go in for shots before we move.  (You may recall that Karma has been known to go feral at the vets, so they won't be too happy to see her, either--LOL!)  And I also need to provide a picture of Karma for their files.  Now THAT is one thing that I do not think is going to be a problem.  ROFL!
Oh, and we did get the "ROUGH" estimate (Linda did the capital letters) for moving me...I almost fell over!!  (I have way too much stuff, I guess--which is why I am purging.)  Okay--don't fall over but her ROUGH estimate was $5,400-6,300.00!  And if they don't unpack or "resettle" we'd save around $1,575-1,800.00 as a ROUGH estimate.  Whew!
  Now, Dagan and Leah haven't had any time to sit and discuss this yet because they are busy building their deck and some raised garden boxes and have been very busy...but Leah told me that she had expected it to be around $5,000.  Which it probably would be if we unpack everything ourselves.  Or we could pack everything and hire a regular moving company to move me.  They haven't decided which way to go yet--Linda or a regular moving company.  And I haven't seen McFamily because I have been so busy, too.  We haven't even done a video chat!  So you know how crazy things have been.
I keep on cleaning and purging during all the good time I have each day.  I have a long detailed purging list and I keep checking things off little by little.  I have finished the bathroom, completed the linen closet, scrubbed down the wall shelves over the art table, filled two of the four file totes...have emptied whole drawers and a banker box...and made a couple trips to the dumpster.  
I have also found a lady on freecycle who is old school enough to want all my cassettes--both the new blank ones and the box of my new-agey instrumentals and nature tapes.  Plus she said she'd take my card decks (angel cards, soul cards, positive affirmation cards) which I hadn't even posted on freecycle yet.  So, I hope she shows up.  She lives an hour out of Fargo, said she is having surgery on Wednesday, will find out the exact time of her surgery on Tuesday and will call me to arrange a pick-up time after she talks to them.  I am certainly not the only one who's life is complicated lately.
  And it's like fate is against me talking to Mom since her decline.  ??  Her cell phone was not even ringing or letting you make a voice mail (which neither Mom or I know how to listen to, anyways--lol!).  I thought maybe it needed to be charged, but the next day it was the same thing.  Had to get ahold of Renee to get the number to the hospital and Mom's room number.  Then--her roommate's people told me was sleeping when I called.  Blaine told me last night that he asked a nurse to check to see Mom's cell phone was on and the nurse turned it on yesterday.  
So I try the cell phone today.  No answer.  I'm not even sure she can reach the cell phone any more than the hospital phone.  I hate to keep calling, either, when she can't get to the phone or might be sleeping.  She is sleeping a lot.  I called the hospital later and her room phone was busy (but you don't know if it is Mom or her roommate on the phone).  Called through the hospital again later and it disconnected after two rings.  Been so weird.  
Mom was complaining about her ankle last night and I wanted to know if a doctor had looked at it.  So I tried to talk to the nurse's station...but I am not listed as a contact so they wouldn't tell me anything but that she was stable.  So I have to get ahold of Blaine or Renee and get me on the contact list.  (I had been getting my spotty information from them.)  Everything has been just off kilter, you know?
So, enough babbling.  I've tried to call Mom three times today and will make another attempt later...but, in the meantime, I am off to work some more in the bedroom.  I have dressers and bookcases to clean and purge.  Hope you are having a really good weekend.  And I hope things tip back to being on kilter soon--LOL!  
See you Tuesday.  :):)
"The main thing in one's own private world is to try to laugh as much as you cry."
Maya Angelou


Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, dear Rita! Well, I will definitely keep your mother in my prayers. It's a terrible shame she's battling a severe U.T.I. instead of being back home in Florida or up there visiting you. I'm sorry that you and the rest of your loved ones have this worry on your minds. At least she is responding to treatment albeit slowly.

Karma has to be the prettiest kitty I've ever seen and that picture of her wearing her heart i.d. tag is a keeper. I'm using it right now as my desktop background!

Please take care of yourself and try to enjoy the rest of your weekend, dear friend Rita!

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine how frustrating it must be to not be able to talk to your mom or even to get any information about her!!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

What a topsy turvey mess this week has been for you. I hope things improve, you get your OM/D mess cleared up, and you can finally get on the list to learn how your mother is doing. That is just ridiculous.

I am glad I'm not moving anytime soon. I can only imagine what it would cost ME with an entire house and basement full of things (11 rooms). And you only have three/four rooms and one bedroom. Let's hope a new week brings better news, better results, and a better outcome all the way around. Love Karma's new tag!! Bleubeard has one, so I need to get one for Squiggles.

GrandmaG said...

Oh dear, rough times in Fargo. I would be pulling my hair out over all the phone frustration, Office Depot and the hospital. Makes a person appreciate email even more :) While mom was alive with AD, before and during her time in the nursery home, she had several urinary tract infections. I learned they can be very common in the elderly, and cause weird side effects. Your mom has now been added to my prayers. Just keep purging, Rita. It's all you can do right now and feels wonderful to boot!

TexWisGirl said...

yes, mercury retrograde can get all sorts of communication things off-kilter. i'm convinced of it! :) i do hope things improve quickly for your mother! how dreadful. poor dear. i hope she can go to minnesota soon!

ChicagoLady said...

I hope your mother continues to improve and you are able to get more things purged and ready for your move. My ant just got home from rehab a week ago, was there because of a massive infection after a follow-up surgery on her ankle. It is definitely important that family members call and visit loved-ones in rehab facilities to make sure they are being taken care of.

DJan said...

It is so hard to be so far away and not in the best of health yourself. I really hope somebody can advocate for your mom. I'm so sorry to hear of that awful infection and know it could really be the reason for her rapid decline. Sending you lots of love, and I really like that picture of Karma with her new heart collar. :-)

Deb J. in Utah said...

Continued prayers for you and your mom. Her name is on the temple prayer roll too. Sounds like you are having a rough time - the ups and downs of life. Some weeks are better than others. I hope you are able to get the problem with your broken file boxes resolved. Some companies are so hard to work with. I'm glad your son and daughter-in-law are near by to help you and out when needed. They sound so great. Hope things look up in the next week and keep us all informed about your mom.

Carol said...

Oh Dear Rita, it has been tough for you and your mother. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. Moving can be so mind boggling!!!!! I know we will be moving sometime in the next 5 to 7 years and it terrifies me !!! Husband doesn't want to be tied to so much land when he retires and he thinks we'll be too old to take care of it. It is a bit much . Give Karma a hug ans tall her to smile for the camera :)

Victoria Zigler said...

Sorry to hear things aren't going smoothly for your Mom's recovery. I hope she improves soon, and that she can get out of there and go home.

Good luck at the vet with Karma, and with the rest of the moving arrangements.

I'm glad I was sitting down when I read that estimate for moving costs!

Karla B said...

What a lovely post, my friend!

Anonymous said...

Sorry about your mom.
Karma looks pretty in her heart.
Do they have kitty Valium?

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

I am so sorry to hear about your mum, as you know mum and I go and see my nan every week it makes us feel better checking on her and making sure she is ok. Karma as always looks so pretty

Serena Lewis said...

I tried to reply on my iPad but, for some reason, I have trouble replying to Blogger blogs with the iPad. It's like the keypad becomes unresponsive. Anyway, I had to wait until I was at the computer.

I'm SO sorry to hear that your Mum was so badly neglected in Rehab. Unbelievable that she went a month without them even attempting to wash her hair. Poor thing! No wonder she got a bad infection. Prayers and well wishes for her full recovery. Yes, you definitely need to be on the contact list. xx

Love Karma's red heart! So cute! :)

WOW! Moving is expensive there!! I had a removals company move most of my house contents which was basically a fully packed four bedroom house for $400 AUD....that also included a packed garage full of art supplies too. Admittedly, that was 8 years ago but, judging by what my niece paid recently (around $170 for a four bedroom house contents move...they didn't have as much stuff as I did), it hasn't changed much at all. We packed our own boxes for them to take but they placed furniture in the new place where we wanted it etc. We had A LOT of stuff! I expected it to be around $600 but was pleasantly surprised. :)

Btw, I will be posting off a jumbo letter to you tomorrow. Sorry it took so long. I accidentally went a tad overweight with it so kept writing. You're practically getting a tablet pad to read. LOL

Have a lovely week!

Love and hugs to you and Karma xo

Intense Guy said...

Hugs you tight.

I hope your mom is on the mend now and gets all better soonest. My thoughts and prayers are with her.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Miss Linda is a tad expensive. I would think that a moving company might be more reasonable.
Sorry to hear your Mom is not mending very fast, she needs time with the right medications and good care. So sad that no one is with her.
We doesn't Karma look proud of her new ID! :)

Anonymous said...

I am so very sorry I haven't been around in sooooo long. You are one of my greatest supporters. So wonderful of you. I am so behind in checking on my friends. I'm so sorry to hear about your mother. That is horrible. The place she was in should be sued. I hope she is on the mend very soon.
Moving can be very stressful. Our move was a bit expensive too, but not that expensive, I don't think. We did purge a lot, but we moved from a bigger place....but we moved into a much smaller place. They gave us an estimate but it ended up a bit less because it went by weight and things weighed a bit less. But we did box almost everything up ourselves. I think they boxed up somethings. I should say, hubby boxed up most things, I wasn't able to help much.
I'm going to have to look back on posts, I don't know where you are moving. See I'm very out of the far behind. Wish I could come and help you. xoxo