Things have been up and down lately...
...kind of like the weather.
Dark and light.
Rain and sun.
My mom had been trying to get out of rehab for over a week. They'd tell her maybe...then no. She really deflated.
My brother flew down.
We weren't happy with the rehab facility she was in. Mom said they didn't give her a walker and yet it was against the rules for her to walk without one down the hallway. The only time she really got any walking in was at physical therapy five times a week. Other than that she mostly sat in her room. Blaine said all that was true.
When Blaine got there he had a long list of things they had to check security, insurance, etc. He took her out for a few hours every day and she was doing okay. Quite tired, but then she hasn't been doing much of anything but sit. She couldn't just leave the rehab facility because they told them that then her bill wouldn't be covered by insurance if she left against doctor's orders. (Doctors she never seemed to actually see much.) They were finally supposed to agree to let her out yesterday because Blaine had tickets to take her back to Minnesota for the rest of her recovery. She was going to live with Blaine and Kathy until she was well enough to go back to Florida and live on her own again. The lack of exercise had her pretty weak. Too weak to leave her alone in Florida.
Overnight Sunday night Mom really deteriorated. Could barely walk. Blaine did get her out of that place and over to see her doctor. Apparently she has had anemia in the past to where she was actually fainting and this weakness could be because of that. ?? Blaine is taking her in this morning for lab work.
So now things are up in the air as far as Mom going back to Minnesota any time soon...unless she does a miraculous turn around. Blaine's wife was flying down to help him bring Mom back on the flight Wednesday, but now the doctor didn't recommend Mom going anywhere...for possibly a month...of rehab.
Obviously, someplace else.
Sounds like Blaine will try and see if he can stay a little longer...maybe through the weekend. He's had a lot of time off work lately. I'm glad Kathy is going down to be there, too.
If Mom has to be in rehab for a month...she'll be alone down there in Florida again until she is well enough to make the trip to Minnesota. And we have to pray it is a decent place that will take care of her, you know? Hopefully her own doctor will be visiting her wherever she goes this time.
My poor brother has been shouldering all the details since the accident. Just been a stressful time all around. We're praying it is anemia that's causing the extreme weakness so they can do something to fix it, you know? Know more as time goes by. Thank goodness for cell phones.
Meanwhile, I have just been puttering with the cleaning and purging. Been working on the bathroom and linen closet. I had recorded Jurassic Park last week and last night I watched that while I scrubbed down everything on the wall shelves by the art table. Still not feeling great. Lots better, but not well-well. Still have the cold and occasional coughing...and not sleeping the best (as you can see by when I am writing this), but that may be due to just stress, of course.
Karma knows something is up.
There has been occasional barfing.
And extra cuddling.
Oh, I have to show you this! Look at the size of this box from Office Max. Guess what was inside?
This one marker. LOL!
I also have some plastic hanging file storage tubs coming that I had planned to buy ever since I gave away the mammoth desk and file cabinet. Have stuff stuck in boxes that I can't get to easily.
Leah and her BIL, Chuck (who used to be a carpenter), have been building the McFamily deck. They put in posts in cement last Wednesday and started this past weekend on the building. So I keep hoping it doesn't rain.
Last night UPS delivered my new memory foam bed topper and I had it airing out in the living room overnight.
The one on my bed is about ten years old--quite flat now and turned yellow years ago. I am hoping a new, thicker one will be easier on my hips since I can only sleep on my sides. Should help keep me going with all the purging and cleaning...I hope so, anyways. ;)
I also ordered a new folding cart and a folding crate. I can use the crate on top of the new cart or wherever it's needed. Be nice to have in the trunk, I think. Now I can keep my old little green cart (not collapsible) in the garage and this new one won't take up so much room in the apartment. (Things that help me with carrying are a necessity in my life.) Will be so much more convenient to have carts both in the apartment and in the garage. And, while it is new and clean, I can use the new folding one inside here to wheel boxes about for purging. May be rolling out some boxes to the garage, too.
We're supposed to get an estimate on the moving costs this week from that Linda. We really liked her. I'll fill you in more as the move progresses. Forgot to call Sheree yesterday with everything happening with I will call her today to see if she's done anything with the paperwork.
Nudge! Nudge!
With all this going on I haven't been taking many pictures and never even got a pic with one of my trusty red thermal coffee mugs. :( I hope I shall be forgiven by the ladies over at T Stands For Tuesday. I can promise you it was on the other end of the table when I was photographing the box and marker--LOL! Am sipping from the black and red one right now. Sumatra! Yummmm! And I've been writing for so long the sun just burst over the horizon. Time to get moving or take a nap. :):)
I'm hoping for good news today on Mom.
Shall be cleaning and tossing...and maybe posting a couple things on freecycle. Have a positive, productive week. :):)
"Difficult times have helped me to understand better than before how infinitely rich and beautiful life is in every way and that so many things that one goes worrying about are of no importance whatsoever."
Isak Dinesen
That is a wonderful quote from Dinesen, Rita, and perfect for the post. So sorry to hear about your mom's difficulties, but so glad that your brother and his wife can take care of it. And yes, Sheree MUST be nudged. I was hoping to hear everything is happening already. Sending lots of love, and hopes that your mom will get home with them sooner than a month.
Hugs. My hopes, wishes and prayers for your mom and a speedy recovery. If she needs some encouragement, remind her Ian is waiting for her to visit so he can (pick one or more) drool, spit up, smile, climb up, giggle, splash at from the tub, cling to her leg, and in general just beam cheeriness at her!
Hi there Rita! I'm so glad your brother has been able to be there to help your mom. Gosh i remember times like that with my husband's mother....when she had a stroke and heart problems and had to stay in a nursing home rehab for sometime... Makes me wonder are there no affordable GOOD nursing homes?? Makes you never want to grow old huh.? Your mom is so lucky to have you guys. Rita i don't remember you saying where you are moving to? I wish you luck with all that to this Tday. Moving is not for the faint of heart... :) Hugs! deb
Hi Rita. So sorry about your mom. Please email me her name (first and last) as I would like to put it on the prayer roll in our temple. So glad you are able to get ready for your move. Looks like things are progressing on that front. I hope the coming week brings less stress and more good news for you and your family!
Wow, your mom has had her ups and downs. My friend Sally had to go to rehab with her knee operations. The first time, the hospital had her up and walking. She and I even walked a long way along a corridor. When they sent her to rehab, it was on a Friday afternoon and all the doctors had gone home for the weekend. She was told she was NOT allowed to walk until the doctor gave his approval. By Monday, she had relapsed and could barely stand to get to the wheelchair they insisted she sit in just to go to the toilet. And they made her wait a couple of time to use the toilet until it was too late and they had to change the sheets. I was livid and spoke to one of the administrators on Monday. They even messed up her meds, and couldn't give her what she needed until a doctor could approve them on Monday. With her SECOND knee surgery, things were much better, because the rehab facility had been purchased by another company. You can't believe the improvement, including not bringing patients in on Friday afternoon.
I hope you didn't have to pay shipping on that pen (grin).
Thanks for sharing your week with us for T this Tuesday.
Lovely sky again Rita and Karma is a beautiful cat!
You are busy with all kind of things!
Good luck with Mom!
Hi, dear Rita! I am so sorry to learn that your mother's progress has been slow and spotty. I hope she can transfer to a different facility to continue her rehab. I will keep her in my prayers. I also hope that you will soon be back to 100%. Poor Karma must sense that you are worried and not feeling as well as normal. That and all the packing and purging has her in a tizzy. Please give KKK an extra hug for me. I will be waiting for further updates on your dear mother.
Sorry to read about your Mom's difficulties.
It is not easy navigating all of that.
You take care and give Karma a nuzzle for me.
Thanks for popping by my Magpie's Nest too.
Happy T Day
your photos are wonderful - but your mum obviously is not. i really wish her more UPs than downs soon. These health issues are so demoralizing!
i'm sorry about your mom and sorry your brother is having to deal with everything. i hope her strength will return quickly and they can bring her back up north with them!
Dear Rita, you all sure do have a lot going on right now. I pray your mother will get the right diagnosis and care she needs. What a frustrating and worrisome situation for everyone involved, especially when everyone lives away from each other. Continued good luck with your purging, packing and move, and do take care and rest up yourself. Happy T day!
Sorry to hear your Mom is not doing better. Will keep her and all of you in my prayers. I also hope that the mattress cover helps you sleep! Best of luck with the purging and packing I know it's a chore :(
What did alta cockers like us do before online shopping? Hope your mom gets better SOON!!
My MIL and FIL were in that stage for years. Somehow I think your mom is more bounce backable, though. Feel sorry for your bro. Tough spot to be in.
At least the marker made us laugh!
Hope your mom makes at least enough progress to get her moved. Things at "rehab" seem to go much better when they realize there is a family member checking in every day. I don't know about your area but here private physicians don't visit their own patients there. In fact in most cases they can't since they don't usually have privileges to practice in that setting. GP's rarely see their own patients in an acute care hospital either but patients are seen by "Hospitalists". Specialists still seem to make rounds most times.
So terrible about your mom. At her age, she really needs to be near family. Has there been any discussion about her permanently moving closer to your brother once she's able to travel? However, I'm well aware how elderly parents can be stubborn about change. Hope she improves soon. And that's just ridiculous about that marker in such a large box. Clearly not a "green" choice. What were they thinking?
Hugs to you, my friend.....and prayers for your Mom.
The girls loved your comments about their work.
The weather here is almost as unpredictable as yours. 107 yesterday and cool with sprinkles today.......go figure!!
Happy T-day
How frustrating for you and your family not getting good care for your mom.
I don't think I've ever seen a photo of Karma doing anything but laying down! :)
Have a good week!
Happy T Day!
If it is anemia, I hope your Mom gets better doctors than I have, so she can actually get help with getting it under control. Either way though, I hope she actually gets the care she needs, and that she can get out of rehab very soon.
Good luck with the perging... Try not to over-do it though!
By the way, I'm still not getting comment responses.
4am what the hell no bloody way I would be up at 4am............ever............ok if we had to leave early for a trip then I would be up at that time or if I had a sick child I would get up but other then that no bloody way.............oh and of course I loved the photos as usual.
Anemia will do that. When I broke my back, the nurses treated me like crap, but at least a therapist came around with a walker for me. Not giving her a walker is ridiculous. I bet Karma likes that box.
Hi Rita,
I ran out of time to visit everyone's blogs yesterday, so I'll wish you happy Wednesday today instead of Happy T Day. I'm really sorry to hear about the problems with your mom's health and rehab. It sounds like your brother and SIL are taking things in hand, though, so hopefully things will be better soon.
Your Mom needs someone to advocate for her! I hope the Doctor will figure out her weakness problem and get her on the plane to the cities where she can recouperate and get better instead of worse...seems someone at that Nursing Facility should be on top of things like walkers and bloodwork..etc.
Were you warm yesterday? 91 here..I didn't like it at all 72 is just perfect for me:)
I'm sorry to hear your mom isn't doing as well as you thought. Hopefully it's just the anemia and your brother can get her into a better rehab facility. My ant just got out of rehab, a place she was at in October, and boy has it gone downhill since then. Never had enough nurses or aides for all the patients. I would love to find out where you got the memory foam bed topper, and can they make it to size?
Sorry to hear about your mum. Sending you all hugs.
I feel for you in your worries about your mom. I hope she rallies and can get to a care place that is better for her. Your bro sounds like a gem.
On a different topic, that box. I can't believe it just had one marker! That deserves some kind of a prize....
Oh bother, Google just took me off and swallowed my comment.
What a palaver with that Sheree? why is she even paid to do her job?
Purging is hard for me, I always feel that I might yet ‘need’ the prized possession I haven’t looked at for many years. Well done you. The relief is always great when some ‘stuff’ has been discarded.
Hope a suitable solution can be found for your mum. ‘Care’ places are too often dumps where nobody truly ‘cares’.
Don’t let that cough linger too long. It needs getting rid of before it settles in the bronchials or on the lungs.
Take care.
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