Leah came over--went to start my desk computer to see what it has been doing--and it started for her!!?? I had tried maybe eight times the day before?? Apparently sitting overnight it repaired itself again. Good. Baffling, but good. :):) I won't shut it off again. If it freezes up I will call Dagan and Leah and let them deal with it--hehe! They have the magic touch. :)
Anyways, these were the pictures of Karma on the porch a couple of mornings ago. Yesterday was so warm the porch doors and my bedroom window were wide open all day--until about 2am, actually. Wow! (Was because I had no wind in my direction--makes all the difference.) I think it got up to mid 60's yesterday and they said it might hit 70's by next week. One extreme to the next, eh?

She stayed in the chair--and Leah sat on the foot rest!! I was in my chair and we just chatted and ignored her. Karma may look like she is sleeping, but she had her eyes slit and ears back a little bit--keeping an eye on Leah. But this is tremendous progress!! Had to snap a picture or nobody would believe it!

I know we live this really, really quiet life and it is just Karma and I 98% of the time--and I have never been basically home all the time with a cat--but why?? We'll never know the workings of Miss Karma's mind. We just accepted that she had become this old lady cat who can't take company--hehe! She has started to calm down a little about people in the house now this past winter. Also--not sure why?? hehehe! Well--with Dagan and Leah, but not with Caroline. Crazy cat!
Anyways, we took off and went all around town--to K&Krafts in Moorhead (don't carry the ribbon holders any more) and then back across the river to Fargo. Leah and I have been able to be gone longer shopping because I sit and rest in the car part of the time while she goes into a store or two. Works well for us. I should bring a book next time. :) We were gone over four hours and went lots of places. Leah went in to the beauty supply place for her OPI nail polish (surprised me with some nail supplies!), the battery store, their lawyer's, Creative Kitchen at West Acres...and I might have missed one. I went inside at Office Max and Target. I had my birthday Target gift card from Blaine and Kathy (brother and his wife). Thanks so much for remembering me!!!

Finally we went over to pick up PitaPaseo! Transferred all my goodies to my big red shoulder shopping bag. Leah has a friend who has sewn canvas shopping bags for her and we had a denim bag and a red canvas bag made for me. I have a harder time carrying bags, so we had shoulder bags made and I can carry a lot myself then. Independence! :) We each drove home from there--and Pita Paseo feels a little spunky now! hehe! They replaced the spark plug wires, the ignition was repaired, and the oil changed. Even wiped down the dashboard, etc. :):)
I totally collapsed for a few hours. Then gradually put away most of the bounty last night. Spent several hours with the inmates of Oz--hehe! Oh--and did my nails! :):) Of course, after being out and about--I am perfectly useless today--hehe! But so happy to have gotten all that we got done these past couple huge shopping trips! :):)
Oh--and my meds finally arrived in the mail yesterday and started them last night. TaDa!! They should help a lot. :)
Our 60 degree afternoons are supposed to disappear for a few days. They say back to the 50's today and 40's tomorrow.
Have a wonderful weekend!!
1 comment:
It seems that you had a good time.!! Well, I too used to get business stuff from Office Max.
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