Hope you're having a relaxing weekend. :)

Zelia--feel free to email me. :)
Say--I saw Mary Tyler Moore on the Bonnie Hunt show and she was talking about the aptitude test she took in school when she was young. I forgot all about that! MTM said she was supposed to be a model or in the armed forces--hehe! I remember being told I could probably do whatever I wanted to--but I'd probably be the most suited to becoming a forest ranger. How funny!! I think that was back in grade school or early junior high, but I can't remember exactly.
Years later when I was tested and tested for workman's comp--they kind of told me the same thing--that I could pretty much do whatever I wanted to. (Ignoring my arm injury, of course--hehe!) And they announced that they would not help me with schooling for retraining because "I was too smart to send to school". Apparently I have some kind of natural ability to learn by osmosis! Who knew? ROFL!! Where was that mysterious innate osmosis ability when I went back to school later!!?? (I decided to go to college on my own since they wouldn't help me and I couldn't do physical labor anymore.) Karma just came in off the porch to see what I was chuckling about to myself at the computer--hehe!
Anyways, we're back to rain and snow. We didn't get the snow here, but it was nearby, I guess. Was like 30 degrees last night. Right now it is 49 degrees. With little wind coming our way--I have the porch doors open for Miss Karma--for a little while, anyways.
John--I promise that either later today or tomorrow I will post about my first religious crisis. :):) I wanted to make it a separate post.
Thank you Rita for the pictures and photo's. I really appreciate it... kind regards
You're welcome! Any time! :)
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