Leah came over for crafts. Made a wedding card (and I forgot to get a picture--sorry!) and helped me get my clothing rack down to my apartment from the storage room. Twice a year. Karma gets excited to jump inside, of course.
I have slowly been constructing the birthday cards.
Slept a split shift last night. Fell asleep by 8pm and was up at 1am. Then was back in bed at 7:30am and slept till 1:30pm. Strange hours. Oh well. Slept well. It's a dreary, dark, rainy day today. Was good sleeping weather, but has done nothing for my motivation--hehe! Feels like one of those lazy days. :) Maybe I'll get more done tomorrow--hehe!

The birthday cards are lovely...are they an order for someone?
We're getting to the time of year where the winter clothes will come out of storage.
No order. They are just for myself--birthday cards to send in 2010. :)
We really are on the opposite ends of the earth, earn't we--hehe! :)
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