I'm not sure if the blog will actually work today. The page is all out of whack and I could only put three out of the four pictures up. (Tried five times to get the last one on--oh well.) This is what I am looking at most of the time right now.
Anyways, I'm going to see if I can actually get a blog up today. If you don't hear from me for a while it is just because of computer problems so don't worry. :) The laptop won't work, either! Good thing Dagan and Leah are on their way home today from Minneapolis. I just got a text from Leah--all went well. Dagan is probably going to need a new pacemaker this summer. They'll let me know when they are back home again. :)
I finally was working on some cards last night. Didn't do any video yet. Was just clear embossing more paper parts I had cut out for the birthday cards. Decided to throw out the multi-colored ones I had done. Just didn't like them at all. Have another plan for the plain colored ones. :)
I also spent some time the past couple days working on the Soul Coaching book (other picture--hehe!). Been a while, but I am plugging away at it. Am working on writing about the life-changing days, epiphany moments. I have had so many of those--might take me a while to finish this section! Karma and I spent some time in the afternoon on the porch. I was reading and reading. Finished another of Caroline's books. Miss Karma was watching the world go by--but later came to sit with me. Probably to keep warm--ROFL!!
I keep losing contact with blogger so I'm going to publish while I am connected and cross my fingers. Hope this works? :)
I hope your computer problem gets sorted...how frustrating it must be for you.
Glad to hear all went well with Dagan's check up.
I need to get back into reading. After the Twilight series, I've found it difficult to get back into more mentally challenging books.
The computers are finally up and running again (Thursday now). Will take me a few days to catch up on everything--hehe! :):)
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