I'm still on this weird split shift sleeping--but got in more sleep today. :)
Yesterday Leah came over after work--took five times to get PitaPaseo to start, but she did! We got her over to the dealership and dropped her off. We had quite a bit of time before Caroline--so we went over to PetSmart so I could buy some cleaner fish. Michael's is right next door--so we popped in there first and we got a Martha Stewart border punch for thinner ribbon..

Anyways, then Leah got a call from the repair shop. The lady never asked for my key! They usually always ask you for it and have a little paper tag ready to write down all your information--so I didn't think of it. Now we were running later and didn't quite make it before Caroline. Luckily Caroline has my cell phone number and called to find out where I was. She was shocked--I am always home--hehe!
So--Caroline spiffed up my place. Leah and I put things away while I floated the four new fish. Time flew--Caroline was done and gone. Leah went home. Karma fell asleep in the out-of-place chair.

It sure sounded like you had a whilrwind of a day yesterday...I'm sure you will enjoy a bit of R & R after it.
I did! I did! :):)
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