Until recently Karma's only bedding interest on laundry day was to get herself "made" into the clean sheets. Now she crawls under the blanket and/or comforter that I toss on the floor while I wash the bedding. A "Where's Waldo" situation? Nope--she did have me fooled the first time, but I know her hiding spot now--ROFL! (Karma's that big blob in the middle of the pink blanket.)
Well, I have been working and working on the Christmas cards.
I added the Stickles diamond "snow" onto the trees. Spread them out to dry on one side of the craft table.
Had to move the chair way away from the table so that Miss Karma wouldn't walk on the wet glittery Stickles snow--which automatically made the out of place chair very interesting.
Spread out the rest of the trees on the other side of the craft table.
Then I cut the strips of red ribbon...
...while Karma kept me company in the chair--if you can call snoring keeping one company--hehe!
Dried the trees overnight--and was able to start adding tape to the ends of the ribbons. You can see my stockinged toes as I sit comfortably in my little lounger with a pillow and then the lapdesk on top of the pillow for a workspace.
I got little pieces of tape on the ends of all the ribbon pieces, as you can see here on the endtable.
Then I started attaching the ribbons on to the embossed green pieces of cardstock for the fronts of the card.
Finished attaching all the ribbons...
...and then added the double-sided ScorTape to the backs of the green cardstock pieces...

...and then to the backs of the black cardstock pieces (also for the fronts)...
....while I watched TV and episodes of Northern Exposure and Upstairs, Downstairs. My hours have been going around the clock. Been going to bed after dawn and caught a really dramatic sunrise. Looked more like a sunset! Gorgeous!
So deeply colored...
...with clouds shifting in the wind...
...and colors gradually changing--was breathtaking.
Anyways, I got this far--all the green and black pieces of cardstock ready to tape and all the ovals and circles finished.
Well, I totally overdid it these last several days. Especially being so much more comfortable in my lounger that I could work longer without the knife pains in my shoulders and lower back--well, I just kept plugging away and forgot about...my bad arm! Duh! ROFLMAO!!
I know! I certainly know better. Just because the taping involved mostly a lot of lighter twisting action and not the gripping, pressing, pulling stuff...I still know that I can't overdo repetitious movements with my left arm. Duh! Duh! Duh!
I feel silly admitting that I actually did this to myself and wasn't thinking. I have been so good at self-regulating that maybe I just got cocky. Haven't had to wear my sling for years. Brain lapse! My arm is on the edge right now, so I'll be out of commission for a while until the burning subsides--could be days--could be a week or more. No crafting for me for a while. :(
Looks like it might be a perfect time for me to finally finish reading World Without End, eh? I made it halfway months ago and the book has been sitting here next to my chair. I can read one-handed with my lapdesk set up. (I have lots of props and gadgets to help me do things one-handed around here--hehe!)
Anyways, later on tonight I am going to go over to Dagan and Leah's. Didn't work out for yesterday--not enough time to squeeze a visit in before they had gaming. Today they are working on organizing their storage garage. After dark I will pop over. :)
Hope you are having a really nice weekend with no storms on the horizon. ;) Have an old familiar quote for today. Friends are one of life's delights!
"A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart, and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words."
Donna Roberts