Rita's Ramblings: a basically house-bound woman in Fargo, North Dakota blogging for friends, family, and anybody who finds it interesting. I talk about art or craft projects, my grandsons (Ian and Liam), the weather, movies, books, health, and whatever happens to be going on in my life. Welcome!
Friday, November 30, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007

I slept in late today--and very well, thank goodness. I'll be puttering off and on with the stencils and caulk every day until I am finished. I can only do so many a day since I have to hold the stencil some with my bad hand. Leah will be back next Wednesday--if I am not finished, she will help me get enough of them done. I am making 50. Leah is making 15. Hehe! I am hoping I can get done or nearly done by next Wednesday--so--I am off to play with caulk some more.... :)
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Leah was in and out of here pretty fast yesterday afternoon. No time to start on cards, but we have lots of supplies--for Christmas cards and others. We are thinking we could add any color acrylic paint to the clear caulk--should work? I was too tired to think straight, anyways, yesterday.
Leah did try to see why my laptop wouldn't connect to the Internet--and she couldn't figure it out either. Dagan stopped by after work--turned it on and it worked for him! We do not understand why this happens! Dagan just has the magic touch. He said he didn't do anything, like he always says?? I had been trying for three days and Leah tried--nothing. Dagan comes and turns it on and it works for him. No clue why, but it happens like that often. ??? Just glad it does! :)
We had a little bit of snow last night. Looked dreadful for a while, but not much of anything on the ground today--just a smattering. I finally slept after two nights of a couple hours each if I was lucky. Crashed for 14 hours last night--and slept during the night--good! Caroline came to clean this afternoon. Tomorrow Leah will come for cards and Dagan will be over after work, too. I am going to make spaghetti for dinner. :)
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Also, believe it or not, I have one handmade paper bookcard left. So, I decided to try something else, now that the handmade paper is used up. I took white cardstock and glued fancy paper over the top of it and used that as a cover. :)
Friday, November 23, 2007

There should be more pictures soon. Maybe something recognizable as a basement--hehe! And if any of you are interested in checking out Dagan and Leah's new photo website--this is where they will appear first now if you want to bookmark it or save it to your favorites. :)
But I will post most of the pictures, too. Never fear!
With the split levels they only dig down about four feet. It is kind of half of a basement or what we used to call "garden level".
The only other house I remember being actually built was our house in Fridley back in around 1956. Our family used to drive out to visit the site of our future home. Didn't look like a place I'd want to live--all cement blocks and boards and sand and mud and wind. Bare suburb. But I was only five. Ended up loving it there! Especially because we had vacant fields to play in for several years--and a man-made lake nearby! They were good years for killdeer, ground squirrels, skinks, wildflowers, dragonflies, stickers, mice, garter snakes, mallards, tall Minnesota grassland, salamanders, toads, crows, sand dunes, rabbits, bats, frogs, tumbleweeds, flickers, butterflies....
...ahhhhhhh!!! Sweet memories!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
I can't really do a lot in the meantime because we need more caulking paste. Leah asked for a picture of the tube and I mailed it to her. She will check at a home store on Sunday or Monday before she comes over. Might be able to get a larger tube than at Target over at Home Depot or Lowes or Menards.
So, I am baking chocolate chip cookies and watching the faint snowflakes float past the window. Barely enough to show on the ground but it is cold enough that the tiny flakes drift into thin patches against the curbs and the grass alongside the sidewalks.
Safe travel for everyone on this holiday weekend. :) For those of us at home--stay warm and count your blessings!
Monday, November 19, 2007
I was cooking this weekend. Made up a couple of hotdishes, so I am good for days. Probably the whole week! Just wanted to be free to get some other things done. Been just reading and writing letters. Seems like it took me a while to feel rested and less sore this time. I get thrown off my game when I am up all night till dawn, too.
Anyways--less pain, feeling better, and even more or less rested--guess I should get moving here, eh? :)
Saturday, November 17, 2007
I started to feel a little better last night and made some chick pea soup again. Didn't have the fresh spinach, but it was really good regardless. :) Just feels nice to have the pain level drop down--ahhh! Happy me!
Friday, November 16, 2007
Thursday, November 15, 2007

Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Leah is so swamped with work and calls this morning that she is going to come over later this afternoon. I might try to close my eyes for a while in my chair, actually. First I have little or no sleep and then finally collapse and sleep one night--and then I'm back to little sleep again. ?? It will pass. It always does. :)
Anyways--the big news! Leah drove by the lot yesterday and there were men out there taping off and measuring!! So, they are finally going to get the foundation started--tada!! Not a moment too soon, in my opinion--been down in the 20's at night several nights. Just so glad that it has finally begun!! :):):)
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Caroline came to clean this afternoon, too. Tomorrow Leah comes over for the day and Dagan will be over after work. We are going to eat and watch "Without A Trace" (second half of a story that started on "CSI"--Dagan and Leah didn't record "Without A Trace" and I did). Then we're going to have Sacred Circle!! Been a long, long time. :)
Today I am busy making the samples for our Christmas card technique--so am busy puttering about. Not a lot of time to chat today. Hopefully more next time. :)
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Saturday, November 10, 2007
I won't post the two stencils we are using for the Christmas cards, but this is the rest of the small order I got from Stencils With Style. Some silver stencil paste--the real stuff they sell to go with stencils so we can try it and see what the difference is between that and the caulking paste Leah got from Target. A spatula and Scotch removeable tape.
Friday, November 09, 2007
Dagan is coming this afternoon to work on the computer--hurray! So, hopefully, he will figure out the problem and I will have my main computer back later today. I just don't keep much stuff on the laptop. We didn't want them to be able to network and talk to each other--because then if I lose one I would probably lose them both. I didn't want that. Like right now--I am glad they don't have their brains connected--hehe!
I mostly use the laptop for writing my "morning pages" (from The Artist's Way) and for back-up. If I knew how to transfer information over to this laptop by hand--then I'd use it more than I do, I suppose. But, then again--I have less problems with the laptop because I use it less time per day than the desktop and there is less information packed into it--hehe!
Hopefully things will get back to normal soon. :)
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Tuesday my friend, Duane, was here. We gave each other's books back that we borrowed--must be six months ago? I still have two of his left to read. Obviously I have not been reading as much lately. We had a nice visit, as usual. :)
Leah suggested that, since she was just running over to pick up the pottery, I stay here and she'd bring it over. Turned out that was a good idea. Nothing had been fired yet. So she is going back this coming Tuesday. And she might as well bring them over on Wednesday when she usually comes over.
Yesterday Leah was over all day (as she has started to do now, Karma hid under the bed??). The stencil order came, too--tada! I took a picture of the supplies that came--minus the stencils themselves (so people who will be getting our cards can't know ahead of time--hehe!), but I can't do the pictures with the laptop. Don't even know how and I store all my pictures on the desktop computer. So--later--when the desktop gets fixed.
I made us dinner--kind of a late dinner for my boy's birthday, I guess--hehe! He was 33 on the 2nd!! Dagan came over after he got off work. Made a pot roast, potatoes, carrots, and gravy. Leah surprised me and brought along buttermilk and made buscuits from scratch!! Yummy! Dagan was tortured by the smells until we ate--hehe!
Dagan was going to connect remotely to my computer so they can just go in and fix troubles themselves and not have to talk me thru it on the phone. But when he left--I couldn't get online at all. He isn't sure what he did. So, he's stopping by after work tomorrow at noon and will look at it. If he comes over and it mysteriously, miraculously works....we don't know why, but that happens a lot with him. Dagan has the magic touch with computers. Leah or I can have problems and he will sit down and poof! The computer works for him?? Magic touch, I tell you. But I have tried three times yesterday and twice today--nothing.
So, that is what I have been up to. And I hope I have my desk computer and the regular keyboard back tomorrow afternoon. :)
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Monday, November 05, 2007
What little I was on the computer this weekend I mostly spent searching for brass stencils for Leah and I for our Christmas cards. I sent Leah the links and we decided. I just ordered this morning.
Wasn't my weekend for technical stuff or computers. First I didn't think my new blue tooth earpiece was working. I called Leah and she told me to hold the button in on top of it until the blue light came on--duh! Somehow it got turned off and I had no clue how to turn it on again. Then, I went to order the brass stencils last night and forgot to fill in the number I wanted in the box and didn't think the site was working--duh! Do these things come in threes? Am I going to have something else dumb happen today? Hehehe!
Fibro-fog--that's all I can say. :)
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Leah stopped by Thursday night for a couple of hours. She was going thru all the leaf and fern stamps and stencils that we have. Wanted to show her friend, Amber, what we have already. Amber wants Leah to jazz up her wedding invitations somehow--with stamps, stencils, whatever--she loves leaves and ferns. Wanted cottonwood leaves, but that is not an easy stamp to find. Anyways, Leah also wanted to show her what she can do with them--so she stamped, embossed, pasted, scraped, colored....hehe! This will give Amber an idea of what is available and, hopefully, Leah will have a better idea of what Amber wants. Dagan and Leah went to St. Cloud this weekend and Amber is supposed to be there, too. (Leah's sister and brother-in-law live in St. Cloud--so they stay there.)
Karma and I--just lying low. I am hobbling less today than yesterday. :)
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Anyways, we went to Michael's because they carry some of the papermaking supplies and we thought of something for next year, actually, and wanted to check and see if they had what we were thinking of over there--no. But Martha Stewart now has craft supplies and we did find a clear stamp alphabet!! Leah has been looking for one with tiny letters and a plain font for like two years!! What a find!! Leave it to Martha! I wanted to try Martha's new glue sticks, of course.