Leah took pictures before they left for Thanksgiving with Dagan's dad and family. They had put in the concrete footings! Told them that the foundation/basement should be done by Monday or Tuesday!
Here's the left side of the house...

There should be more pictures soon. Maybe something recognizable as a basement--hehe! And if any of you are interested in checking out Dagan and Leah's new photo website--this is where they will appear first now if you want to bookmark it or save it to your favorites. :)
But I will post most of the pictures, too. Never fear!
With the split levels they only dig down about four feet. It is kind of half of a basement or what we used to call "garden level".
The only other house I remember being actually built was our house in Fridley back in around 1956. Our family used to drive out to visit the site of our future home. Didn't look like a place I'd want to live--all cement blocks and boards and sand and mud and wind. Bare suburb. But I was only five. Ended up loving it there! Especially because we had vacant fields to play in for several years--and a man-made lake nearby! They were good years for killdeer, ground squirrels, skinks, wildflowers, dragonflies, stickers, mice, garter snakes, mallards, tall Minnesota grassland, salamanders, toads, crows, sand dunes, rabbits, bats, frogs, tumbleweeds, flickers, butterflies....
...ahhhhhhh!!! Sweet memories!
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