Was another gorgeous day yesterday--made it into the 70s. I was busy on the computer--organizing bookmaking websites and YouTube videos in my favorites for my projects. I got done with one of my online sessions and noticed that I hadn't seen Miss Karma for some time.
Now Karma does love hide and seek in the first place. Has always enjoyed it when I can't locate her. For example, she thinks I can't see her when she's under the covers in the bed and won't make a peep or move a muscle. She likes to play hiding games--especially at night. She hides or I hide--and we leap out at each other.
Anyways, I really began to wonder where she had hidden herself this time. I looked in all the usual places--no Karma.
This is where I finally found her!
Yesterday I cleaned off the table from previous projects--got it all ready for making journals!
Bottom lefthand side--used the paper I had the most of and was the largest (silver bulldog clamp) for the red leather scraps from Leah! I want to have the open coptic binding with the thick leather covers.
But, of course, that means I have to practice the coptic sewing. On the right-hand side I have two pieces of cardboard to fit that size paper stack (above with ruler across it). Now, I am not sure if I will actually try to cover and use the cardboard after I have slept on that idea? Doesn't seem as good an idea as it did in the middle of the night--hehe! Might have to find something a little better to practice on. Regardless--the red leather will be the later project--after I know more what I am doing. :)
Yes--I have been slowly sleeping my way around the clock again. Up later and sleeping later--but sleeping oh so well! This is my absolute favorite weather! 60s-70s during the day and 40s-50s at night--love it! Not to hot in the daytime and nice and cool for sleeping with the window cracked open at night. So fleeting in the spring and fall...precious days to me!
Last night I was up until 4am and got up at noon. For days I have been sleeping 10 hours--and well--so I guess I am lucky to be up right now--hehe! It was the wind. Howling, beating, whistling, pounding--and the rattling of the dryer vent against the building! I was going to wash clothes--but I guess I'll wait until tomorrow...or whenever the wind dies down...or eventually changes direction--hehe!
Something changed after that day the dryer vent pounded against the building and I thought my dryer was broken--hehe! Maybe the vent got bent in the violent wind or something? I've lived here over three years and had never heard that sound. You cannot miss it. My washing clothes on the wrong windy day that one day started something with the dryer vent I guess--hehe! At least I know what it is. And it is not very loud right now. Would be scary loud when I shut off the dryer--shakes the wall! I'll pass!
I had such a burst of energy last night--I think it would be a good idea to rest today, anyways. Pretty sore. Sounds like a plan! It is a holiday weekend, after all, right? chuckle! Have a great weekend!
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