Couldn't resist helping out the economy a little before June with my stimulus rebate--hehe! I had wanted to order some of the things OAS has for mounting (in the cardboard tube are large mounting papers). The paper weights were on sale (my own attempts didn't work out very well--so far) and a DVD on bamboo and orchids for beginners was on sale for $18.00. The booklet to the right goes with the video--so you get a step by step little book with the video. I couldn't resist. I have never seen anything by Ning Yeh.

All the packing paper will be recycled, of course, into handmade paper!

My other order from arrived, too, yesterday. I found a place where I can order tins! The large ones don't have a solid cover (clear plastic), but I don't mix paint in the covers anyways. I laid some large pans inside to show how you could
easily get 12 pans with room for travel brushes.

The smaller ones are the exact same size as an Altoids tin! And I think the larger ones are the size of those large Altoids tin that cost like $7.99 during the Holiday season in the winter--
if you can find them (we looked last Christmas--no luck). Shipping is high--but they package
really well--box inside of a box with peanuts and everything wrapped (I also got a couple of glass things). Even tho the shipping was high (11.64)--the tins and jars were so low that it made it worth it, for sure! The large tins were 80 cents! And the smaller ones were 64 cents. No minimum order. I am one happy camper!

Yesterday was cooler--in the 50s--and raining off and on all day. I started on the EDM sketchbook again. The next challenge was "draw an eye". Was the first time I have used watercolors in the "sketch" Moleskine (vs. the watercolor Moleskine). Not made for painting--came thru a little on the back side. I loved my eyes, tho! Had to show them to you even if I didn't finish the entire page spread yet.

Got the pictures off the Internet--and the big eye was heavily made up with mascara. Harder than I thought to draw. The bottom two eyes are baby's eyes. Anyways, felt good to be sketching and painting!!
Today--Caroline is coming. So, I have to get moving. Slept later....and well! :)
Rita - I love your eye sketches! The detail and colors are great! Also, nice purchases!
I'm better now - Let's get together soon and throw some watercolors on paper, k? :)
Sounds like a plan! :)
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