Pictures of the house. The accent walls were painted by Dagan and Leah--or Leah and Ariel? I'm not sure exactly who besides Leah--but not the contractors. Dagan and Leah were responsible for painting all the accent walls, as I understand.
The contractors have been working on the woodwork and doors.

I finally slept 8 hours last night! Since I flipped back to days about five days ago, I have not been sleeping very long at all. I knew it would straighten out. Always does. :) Another night or two of sleep and I will feel quite human, I think--hehe!
Caroline came yesterday. She is out of school now, so she can come a little later in the day again now during the summer. It was a beautiful, sunny, warm day yesterday until the storms came rolling in. Got into the 70s!! The thunder and lightning were wonderful. Sounded and smelled like summer!
I worked a short time again yesterday at putting the Christmas cards together. Not done yet. Soon. (Especially if I get some sleep--hehe!)
1 comment:
Oh my gosh...I can't get over those stairs. The painting looks very nice! I hope the contactors don't bump stuff into the walls and mess it up...that was my first thought. And I love the fan! Very cool!
Glad to hear you've gotten more rest...I'm still sick over here. But getting better slowly!
Talk to you soon!
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