Wow! Blogger is touchy today! Took me forever to upload the pictures--some wouldn't go through until like the fifth or sixth time I tried? Must be a big blogger Saturday, eh?
Anyways, I worked on the little palettes yesterday. Even used the tiny Altoids chewing gum tin for my Holbein--to make a tiny palette. (Holbein is the one brand I bought a big set of.)
Yesterday was about 60 degrees. Karma was parked in her favorite spot for Cat TV on the porch. Today--cold and raining.
Besides--what they put together in a pre-made set is not neccessarily what I might want--now that I am reading up about paint mixing. I wouldn't need green, for one thing. Just a red, yellow, blue and maybe burnt sienna (to mix with the blue for shadows). Can have a warm and cool set of primary colors--plus the burnt sienna--that's only seven colors. That is what I plan to pick on my own. The ones I have now (except the Holbein) were sets that you buy. You still get to try everything, obviously. :) But the tiny Holbein palette I set up I used just yellow, blue, red, and burnt sienna from tubes I already have here. Thought it would be a good simple palette to start with to learn about mixing. My problem is trying to decide which yellow, blue, and red to use--hehe!
I went online this morning to check and see if Cheap Joe's had deducted the order amount yet (they did on Thursday)--and lo and behold!!!--I have my $300 from the government! Deposited just yesterday. TaDa!! Well, I will be doing my bit to help the economy. Will order my KitchenAid mixer next month! Thank you George W.--chuckle! chuckle! :):)
Lovely little palettes! I have a few empty tins that I've been saving for this too :)
LOL to your last comment thanking George W. I did a bit of spending myself! Will be blogging about it tomorrrow probably.
I always chuckle when you talk about Karma and her "Cat TV" :) Reality TV for real! heh heh.
And Karma's favorite reality TV show is "Kids In The Yard"--hehe! Of course, she does love her nature shows. Her favorite of all time was "Swallow Babies On The Porch Light", but there have been no reruns since the screen went up--ROFL!! :):)
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