No crafts yesterday. Dagan and Leah came over after signing the paperwork--so exciting! They ran over to look at cabinets--then came back to pick me up to take me over to see the lot and then we went to Taco Bell.
This is the empty space on the cul-de-sac where their house will be built.

As soon as they start digging Leah said she'd get ahold of me and we can go take pictures! Or she will and send them to me. (She will probably be over there quite often!! hehe!) These three were taken by Leah. I will have to check after I have posted them to see if they can be clicked on and enlarged like mine?
So, this is the exciting news. Not "if" any more--but "when"!! I can see why they didn't want to get excited until after everything was said and done and signed.
They also brought me more of Heroes to watch--which is what I did last night. Now I have to wait for the next ones that I ordered to come from Neflix. I should be all caught up before the second new show, I think. I believe the first new show for season two is on Monday and I will tape it. I am just as hooked as Dagan and Leah. We are all late-comers to the show, but will be very loyal watchers from now on. :)
Been dark and rainy days. We were lucky--wasn't raining yesterday when we saw the lot. Haven't been sleeping well--pain dreams--waking up tired--the usual fibro stuff. So, I am dragging and tired and sore. I am starting to think it is the dampness--setting off the arthritis? Who knows? Sometimes I lose what little control I have over my days--hehe! Oh well. such is life, eh?
I am planning on setting up the table again for brush painting today, tho! Tada! Even if I don't paint today--I am determined to get ready for it--hehe!
Have a good one!! :)
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