Catching up!
While I was away from blogland a couple of wonderful gifts arrived in the mail. Surprises that lifted my spirits and, therefore, were extra appreciated.
Miss Karma got her first very own mail from Iggy/Intense Guy!

Then from Spruce/John came a package from Nain, Labrador in Canada.
Nature's Paper!! :):)

I am not sure what we will do with them....yet. We'll figure out something. I am surprised they made it here pretty much intact, John, as they are so fragile. Leah and I are thinking-thinking-thinking. We can always add them to some of our own paper pulp, but we are also trying to come up with something more permanent...hummm?? If that is possible? Whatever we do with them, I will post it on the blog, of course. Thanks so much for sending us a small piece of the wilds of Nain!
Now this series of pictures are especially for you, Iggy--hehe!
Karma was crying for the photo book as I was looking at it--weird! You would have thought it was bubbles or catnip? So I got the camera ready and put the book on the floor. There was something about the smell of it she went absolutely crazy for?

Did you rub this photo book with catnip before you popped it in the mail? Or is Miss Karma just that enamored of her own furry self? ROFL!
Obviously couldn't let Karma near the fragile nature's paper--hehe! But I did let her smell it, John. :)
It is amazing to me how little things can mean soooo much. Gratitude. I am filled with gratitude. Many thanks to you both from me and Miss Karma. :):):)
Oh my! Karma really likes photo album! Such precious pictures of her 'digging her treat'!
I've never seen the like! And no, no catnip rubbing before I mailed it! *giggles*
p.s., lucky cat... gets to sniff the cool ocean grasses too. thrilled she was with her photo album! Great shots, Rita...thanks for sharing ~ :)
Iggy--I wasn't expecting such an over-the-top response--hehehe! I seriously began to wonder if you had done something to it before you sent it! I guess she and I do get excited over presents, don't we? ROFL! :)
Serena--silly girl went nuts! I swear--she makes me laugh every day. :):)
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