Okay--can you blame me for not recognizing him?
You can get a glimpse for yourself of how odd the film is and who is in it. :)
When Dagan and Leah were here Leah helped me move the plants back inside. They are dreadfully lopsided--hehe!

Peek a boo Kharma! I love that picture through the door.
I hope you are well tonight and enjoying a good book or movie.
The weather here is like yours - open a window and sleep the deep restorative sleep that only cool fresh air can provide.
P.s., I'll look at the film trailer at work tomorrow - where I have broadband. Limping along here on dial-up - nothing like a video with hiccups and fits and starts!
P.s.s., thanks for your comment on my last blog entry. I had a crummy day that day, today I brushed off "life's little birdie doo" and got the chin up.
Be fun to hear what you think of that crazy movie trailer--hehe!
I totally agree with the restorative powers of cool fresh air at night. :) I slept well, but not a long time.
Oh, I am so glad that chin is up again! Life's birdie doo-doo can be a deep sorrow. I think you need to embrace it when it lands and then brush it off. Pretending the doo-doo doesn't exist doesn't help in the long run. Life is full of doo-doo and you'd just end up walking around with layers of doo-doo all over you until it got too heavy to walk--ROFL! We have to allow ourselves those occasional deep doo-doo days. Only way to really clean off that doo-doo, get a fresh start--and then just be on the lookout for large birds. :):)
Wow. That is one odd video. I think I might enjoy it - with a lot of buttered popcorn.
Odd for sure! And feels strangely like it had no beginning and no ending. At least it did to me. Email me and let me know what you thought of it if you ever do watch it. :)
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