I spent the entire day matching up the 3"X 6" scraps (from the bookcard covers) with coordinating paper to make up cards.

Anyways, getting this far took me a few days--but got the majority done yesterday. Karma kept me company. Here she's snoozing against the table base.

Leah got four bookcards posted on Etsy last night. One handmade paper cover was made from packing paper and dried aquarium plants--hehe! Personally--that is one of my favorites. I guess I'll continue to dry out the trimmings from my overgrown aquarium plant. :):)
Well, two more days and Dagan and Leah head for Minneapolis. Dagan is scheduled for Thursday morning at 8am to have his pacemaker replaced. I haven't heard whether they plan to replace the leads this time, also, or not. Maybe they don't know until they can look at them? As usual, any and all prayers and good wishes sent his way are greatly appreciated.
Traveling has become so difficult for me. Having me along can turn a four-hour trip into five to six hours with all my having to stop to stretch, etc. This procedure is out-patient (altho Dagan has had to be kept overnight a couple times for outpatient procedures). They'll be driving back on Thursday or Friday--depending. If Dagan was having open heart surgery again there'd be no way I wouldn't be there--period. It is times like this that I am reminded of my body's limitations.
Besides--I just heard this morning that Jerry and Barb (Dagan's father and stepmother) are driving down from Henning to be there this time. So--it is best I am not going anyways. Long story short--she and I are like oil and water. Barb has gone off on me when Dagan was in the hospital before--a couple of times--separate surgeries. My body is like a stress barometer these days. Be like sitting in a room with a powder keg not knowing if it will go off or not. Last time we were both there for a surgery she didn't explode. Was very tense and uncomfortable, tho. Granted--she may have mellowed over the years, but you never know how deeply someone's hatred runs. *sigh*
Anyways, for the simpler outpatient procedures these last years, I have left them to husband and wife. Mom is not really needed in the first place, you know? I used to be the one who was there for him, but now that is Leah's place. I am there for support, of course--always. :):) But I know full well that intimacy between two people when you are tending them after surgery. And now it is between husband and wife--not mother and son, you know? Has been for many years. And isn't that a blessing? They've been married over seven years now! :):)
And they know--absolutely--that if anything happened and they needed me--I'd jump into PitaPaseo and be on my way to Minneapolis! They are my heart! I love them beyond words. :):)
Dagan will be fine. I'll go visit them when he comes home. :):)
Meanwhile--I'll be watching movies and puttering with cards--and Karma will keep me laughing.
"handmade paper cover was made from packing paper and dried aquarium plants"? Now that sounds truly odd. I'm sure it doesn't smell or anything (at least not dry) - just odd though. I guess I should be surprised since papyrus was justed for centuries.
I hope Dagan recovers quickly.
No, it doesn't smell after they are really bone dry--hehe! If you think that is weird--I made paper with packing paper and Karma's fur from a brushing! Used them already, tho. If you think dried aquarium plants will freak people out....ROFL!!
Me, too!!! :)
I've been away from blogland for nearly two weeks so missed all this til after the fact. it sounds like everything went smoothly though....always a relief to hear.
I understand totally what you mean, Rita. Michelle and Alex have been together for five years now and, with Michelle's appendectomy last year, it was Alex who was there at the hospital and he kept me informed of what was going on. She came and stayed here for a few days after leaving the hospital so I could pamper over her as she recovered. Yep, we may have taken a step back for their spouse but, we are still mothers.
I'm sorry Dagan's stepmother is such a hateful person towards you. Some people just don't let go...her problem, not yours.
Ooooooops, meant to say that the cards and papers look so pretty!
Hi Serena,
I am just catching up on my own blog comments after about a week.
I'm hoping the bad blood between the stepmother towards me has mellowed over the years. They left before Dagan was even off the respirator afterwards or even knew they had stayed. But at least they were there. I was glad--since I couldn't be there, you know? Life changes over time and I always hope for the better. :):)
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