Miss Karma struggling to stay awake to watch the bugs on TV--hehe!

New week.
Things are getting back to normal. I decided to work on folding bookcard covers. I did the same thing I did with the 12 x 12 scraps--went thru and took out one of the two cover pieces I got from each sheet...

...and just started folding. :)

Just kept plugging away--using the timer--1 hour at a time.

Sounds like Dagan and Leah will be over for dinner after work on Wednesday! Leah and I will probably work on scrap cards. :) Tomorrow Caroline comes to clean. It has cooled off again and there's a light, gentle rain tonight. I am taping Heroes and will eagerly watch that later on. I want to be in good shape for Wednesday, so I will probably stay away from paper folding, etc, till then. Just feeling happy. :) :)
Goodness. Such busy hands and such beautiful results!
Thank you, Iggy! We've been doing enough prep work on cards to keep us busy for a good long time--hehe! Lifts my soul working on projects like this. :):)
Your book cards are lovely!
Hi Serena!
Thanks much! I love working on projects like this. Very contemplative and relaxing for me. :)
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