Pretty funny that as soon as October 1st arrives and they turn the heat on...Indian Summer arrives with a flourish! Been in the 80s! LOL! Of course it's still in the 50s at night--wonderful sleeping weather...if I was sleeping--ROFL!
Yesterday was grocery delivery day for the month. I asked for delivery between 2-4pm since I need to be up at the same time today. Caroline comes about 2pm this afternoon and then her supervisor just so happens to come for her yearly visit about 4:15-4:30pm. I have been on the completely opposite hours, so I had a nap for an hour before CashWise came yesterday--and then slept from 6pm till midnight. I'll probably take a nap before Caroline arrives, too. Maybe this will get me back on days. Maybe. Good Lord, who knows? LOL! Doesn't really matter, I guess. ;)
I finally was forced to wash clothes during the night. Been over two weeks and I needed clean clothes, sheets, and the scrub rags for Caroline today. I try to be a good apartment neighbor and never wash during the middle of the night, but I didn't have much choice. I think I've only had to do that 2-3 times since I moved here in 2005, so nobody should complain.
Uffda! I tried hot chocolate mix with soy milk. Bleh!
Not much happening up here.
I think the fibro flare is maybe letting up.
Hopefully! :)
Here's Karma using my rolling laptop table legs for a pillow. Never have understood why she likes to lay her head on hard stuff.
The sun should be coming up soon.
Just a quick hello on this fine morning. :):)
"Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Oh sweetie, I do so pray that you get to feelin' better and back to par.
You little Karma is sooo cute. I miss havin' a cat 'round here but I just know it would not survive my 'teenage' blue heeler.
God bless ya and have a better day my sweet friend! :o)
Good morning, Rita! I am hoping you are right about the flareup beginning to let go of you. You still have your sense of humor and I always enjoy hearing about your life. The difference in our lives I think shows me how much we can connect with those who are living entirely differently. Your optimism is amazing and radiates out of your words! :-)
Good Morning (or Afternoon for me!) to you!!! I hope you do get back on days. I think the body gets really out of whack in all kinds of ugly ways if our sleep gets too screwy. I don't know how I worked swings and nights all those years and survived, lol!
Hi Karma!! I think I'm going to have to make a fun little toy for you! I got an idea from someone else's blog....
Good morning, afternoon, evening, whatever it may be... let it be good.
Oh, what a beautiful sky. The sun just came out here too, as this page loaded, for the first time in let's see... since last Thursday I think.
Sabre Tooth Tigers must of slept with their heads on rocks...
You really do have funny hours. I'm used to that, because I've had other friends who kept similar hours as you. They didn't have a choice. I really hope your fibro gets under control sooner than later.
About Grocery delivery... I always curious about the produce part. Do you order your fruit/veggies through them too and do they bring you the good stuff?
I definitely hope those fibro flares are letting up.
Thanks for the reminder. I need to do laundry today!
We haven't turned our heat on yet, but the blankets are definitely getting a work out@!
Have a wonderful week!
Good Morning Rita, I hope you are feeling lots better as the day progresses.
I really like your attitude of facing life head on. We could all take a page out of that book.
I love the pictures of Karma!!
Dear Rita, another lovely day there in South Dakota (that's right isn't it?) and here in Missouri.
I so much admire your attitude toward the vicissitudes of life, among them your physical health and your sleeping. You so gently meet the day.
I'm glad that you have Karma. I find that the cats often teach me about living in the moment. That really is all we have.
Your Emerson verse seems apropos here.
Peace today.
I hope the fibro flare is definitely letting up too, Rita.
Michelle has recently started ordering her groceries online and, so far, she's been quite please. She was worried about the fresh produce but was happy to see they had given her top quality. I'm thinking of ordering online myself. It's only $3 for delivery too.
Yeah, I don't like soy in hot drinks at all.
Karma looks so cute in that pic!
Have a great day/evening!
Serena xo
With that cord nearby, Karma looks like she has earbuds in. Wonder what her favorite music is? :)
Nice blue sky. We haven't seen that lately, but it's supposed to show up tomorrow. I can hardly wait! We are so rain weary here. We're under a freeze watch tonight, too, so I covered up my outside flowers. Hoping they'll be okay.
Cute pic of Karma. Cats are so weird sometimes. :)
I hope the fibro flare settles down soon. *hugs*
Nezzy--Oh, Dagan and I lived on a farm for three years in Wisconsin (didn't farm, the barn and land were rented out) and we had a blue heeler we loved dearly named Bo. He got run over by a car. :( They are wonderful, devoted dogs. Ours got in trouble for chasing cows, not cats. A terrible no-no.
Djan--You and I certainly do live entirely different lives--LOL! Me, housebound. You, out on your adventures. I'm just glad I got to go with you--LOL! ;)
Jeannie--Yes, the body does get out of whack on the crazy hours. I worked the graveyard shift for a few years, myself. It was so hard to go to sleep when the sun was out and wake up in the dark most of the year. Looking back, I never felt good then, either--LOL!
A Karma toy!?? Whoohoo! ;)
Iggy--Almost 3:30am here and it is my early morning, yup! I finally took a pain pill and it is better. ;)
I'm glad you guys are finally getting some sun! I hope the Indian Summer makes its way across the land over to you. Been absolutely beautiful fall days here for the last three days or so.
LOLOL@STtigers sleeping with heads on rocks! Sometimes I think she has rocks IN her head--ROFL! ;)
Nikki--I didn't have a choice when I worked these crazy hours years ago and, sadly, I don't seem to have a choice now. My body rules my friggin' life! ;)
Seriously, this is just one side of my normal life for over a decade. Ups and downs are normal with fibro.
I have been really pleased with the produce I get. The only problem is that I can only afford to get groceries once a month ($7.00 delivery charge) and so I only get fresh produce once a month then, too. But I was pleasantly surprised with the quality--from the deli, too. :)
Deanna--LOL! I hope you got your laundry done. ;) It was so nice to crawl into clean sheets.
I only turned my heat on to see if it was working on Oct 1st. Heat rises, too, and I'm on third floor so it's always warmer up here, it seems. Well, I'm not on the windy west side of the building. I think those poor folks freeze in the wintertime.
Hope you are having a wonderful week, too! :)
Beth--Honestly, I was glad when the supervisor lady was gone (she's a nice lady but I was so tired my eyes were crossing!). I went to bed soon after but slept miserably--up every hour on the hour till I gave up. Dang! Maybe next time I lay down I will crash well and long. ;) Thanks! Life is too short to sweat the small stuff. :):)
Dee--North Dakota, actually--but you were close. We have our own miniature Twin Cities (like Minneapolis and St. Paul in Minnesota) up here on either side of the Red River--Moorhead, MN and Fargo, ND. Funny how being on the other side of the river in ND...I miss being a Minnesotan. Well, I will always be a Minnesotan. I don't think location will ever change that--LOLOL!
I couldn't have a cat for eight years (the last two places I rented), so I was delighted to discover that I could have one here! I didn't know that until after I signed the lease, so I felt doubly fortunate to find this place. I love cats because you have to earn their respect and they don't automatically love anybody--LOL! They're an odd combination of quietly regal, self-centered silly toddler, intelligent company, and one step removed from feral independence--ROFL! Yes, they live in the moment, that's for sure.
And yet Karma has always understood from when she was that scrawny, boney kitten that it hurts for her to step on me and she waits until I get the pillow--sure she may meow impatiently, but she waits--LOL! And she sticks closer by when I feel crummy...always kind of watches over me.
Peace to you, too, lady! :):)
Serena--I have been pleasantly surprised ordering online. On occasion when they have new people they have made mistakes, but they have been really good about sending someone out to make an exchange and fixing the billing or giving me credit. I'm usually happy with just having the credit. I've been having groceries delivered for over five years now! But our delivery fee has gone from $5.00 to $7.00 over the time and there's a $50 minimum or there's another sorting fee. It has been an absolute godsend for me!! Keeps me from impulse buying, too! Well, most of the time. Don't order online when you're hungry, either--LOLOL! ;)
Yes! Soy in hot drink--was horrible!
With my current hours we are probably up at the same time--LOL! :)
Teresa--LOL! Karma earbuds! She loves my peaceful, serene new age music with no singers. She melts into a puddle. ;)
AliceKay--Hope you had sun-sun-sun! And I hope all this rain didn't cause any more flooding your way. Freeze watch! That's what we had mid-Sept that almost killed my plants...well, two of them I don't think will make it after all...maybe more. They kind of rallied but have never really recovered to the way they were. You know how they are trying but they don't have the firmness of stalk and leaf? Like the cold took the juice right out of them. I hope your plants are okay and you have some sunny days ahead. :)
Dear Rita, It's Dee again, thanking you for commenting on my Tuesday posting about the convent haircut. Your experience with a haircut sounds devastating to me.
Possibly your barber had a different intent then the assistant novice mistress. I really do think that she was trying to put the vow of obedience into perspective for me.
Of course, for me that vow became, in the years that followed, the sticking point of whether I'd stay or go.
Obedience and those hallucinations I had did me in!
Night Owl for sure! Hope you're feeling a little better today/tonight.
Karma is showing how tough she is, being a Cat in The Wild and all. I'm sure our kitty thinks she's in the jungle when she plays with the office papers and chews them up...
I'm sure my grocery bill would be halved if I did it online. I'm Queen of the impulse buyers. Picked up 8 bottlebrush trees and 7 bangalow palms with the butter and milk yesterday....
Dee--Yes, she had a different intent and I hadn't a clue until it was too late--LOL!
You really gave it your best at the time. That's all anyone can do. :)
Cindy--Oh, I am glad Karma doesn't chew paper! I have had cats who did.
All those trees! Lovely! You should show some pictures! :)
We are definitely having an Indian Summer here in KY too! I wore long sleeves yesterday afternoon & about roasted the first part. I did appreciate them later on though!
How oh how do you manage staying up all night? I stay up till 2 or so on hubby's 2nd shift & can barely function the next day.
Glad your feeling better- hopefully you will be good as new in a day or two :)
Enjoy your week, what is left of it!!!
Angela--I don't have a lot of choice in the matter as far as staying up all night. It's a body thing. My body has literally taken my life hostage this past decade--LOL!
Hope you enjoy the nice weather with the kids and hubby! :)
((hmmm...where to start...i haven't been here THAT long to know all about you...i know you have trouble getting around...your knees can be quite painful...but now i you have fibromyalgia?))
well, rita...karma looks so comfortable! i think it's a cat thing...hard, soft...doesn't matter to them...they just go with the flow. ha! where ever they are...they'll find something to suit their needs...their mood...and the bottom of your rolling table was just the right height...for karma's head to rest on!! i love cats!
i seem to remember a couple of posts ago...i wrote that i was jealous of your COOLER weather!! and now it sounds warmer there than it is here!! strange! & karma have a nice day...peace...and all that good stuff! :)
Laura--yes, I apparently have a quite bad case of fibro. You can touch me anywhere on my body on a good day and it feels painful and raw. I also have OA, IBS, muscle damage in my left arm and an assortment of other ailments. Boring, but that's why I am home almost 24/7 on disability for the past over six years. Just think of me as your chatty shut-in--LOL! ;)
Miss Karma actually prefers hard surfaces to lay her head. Moreso than any other cat I have known. Like when she lays in bed with me she scoots way up and uses my headboard as a pillow! She's the oddest cat I've ever lived with--LOL!
It will get cooler here pretty fast, never fear. Fluctuating temps is our game up here--LOL!
Always glad to see you. Have a great weekend. :)
Speaking as someone who often finds herself living below people I can tell you for a fact that as long as it's not a regular thing, downstairs neighbours don't mind things like laundry being done and such.
Oh, and hot chocolate without dairy milk... I know how you can get around that. There's a place called "Vegan Store" that I get some bits at from time to time. It's UK based, but they deliver worldwide. Anyway, they sell "vegan hot chocolate" in various flavours. I haven't tried it myself yet, but I intend to and thought you may be interested.
Tori--Nice people like you, maybe. ;)
I think the shipping might be pretty high from the UK, but send me a link via email later, if you could. Thanks! :)
Will do... *Goes off to send you the link* :)
Tori--Thanks! :)
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