All this drawing has really taken me back in time. I never used anything but a No. 2 pencil back then--even the few times I have been drawing since I was a kid. Never ever sketched in pen--only used it occasionally afterwards when the drawing was completed--like when I illustrated a poster for the pet shop I worked at in Maple Grove about fifteen years ago. Maybe I need to go back to my own personal roots and use a pencil?
I really don't like this rough paper in this notebook (one reason why I hadn't used it but for that one color experiment--and it worked so terribly I never touched it again). And I didn't even want to use it for a writing journal--inclusions and scratchy. Not sure a pencil would work well on it, either, tho?
But I would feel too guilty just tossing this journal out (but which is honestly what I'd like to do with it). That is just too wasteful!!
It was a such a delight to have nice smooth paper delivered to me yesterday....??
I have to make a decision---today. If I decide to go back to pencil, I would start a new journal--and I would want to have another go at the shoe and my rose lamp--just to see what I can end up with pencil and eraser? I could keep a drawing journal just for the EDM Challenges....
But then I actually have to draw in one of the new sketchbooks!! That terrifies me! chuckle!
Having a pristine sketchbook--it's like worrying about scratching a brand new car. You know it is not going to remain perfect and without flaws--just have to jump in and drive!
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