Dagan and Leah went to the Shaklee Excite Seminar on Friday night and Saturday during the day. They met the Fargo group of distributors--who meet twice a week!! Wow!
Great to have a support system. They won't be able to connect up with them for a while because they have things going on and will be gone next weekend to Saint Cloud--but they will go to the meetings as soon as they can.
Mary Lou had a funeral come up that she had to attend on Saturday afternoon. I read a few of my emails that afternoon--was told that the Rapidograph ink is bad for other pens and can ruin them--so I emptied the pen out at Mary Lou's to be safe. I am sure glad that I found this EDM Yahoo Group! They know so much (learned a lot of things since I joined) and it is a good place to ask questions. They don't make you feel stupid for asking beginner questions, either. Such a supportive group!
Dagan let me borrow his new memory foam pillow while we were there. I LOVED IT!!! I slept so well every night, too--just cradles your head so perfectly--soft, yet supports. So, he let me keep it when we got home. I can pay him back and he'll get a new one. I want another one to use as a body pillow, too, since the cheap foam body pillows I have purchased go flat so fast. These memory foam pillows never lose their shape--and this one comes in this longer queen size. (Having the body pillow helps with my hips and knees--arthritis--when the pillow is not flattened out--hehe!) The trip home was longer. I had to get out often--was very sore by that time. But last summer--I was in that shape on the way down! :) I was worried about how Karma and Miss Gracie had fared alone for three nights. I had been sending peaceful thoughts all the time I was gone and for about a week ahead of time before we left. They were just fine!! Karma didn't even get into anything??!! The scotch brite pad was in the living room on the floor and she had been playing in the bathtub and the shower curtain was partway out of the tub--but that was it!!! What a relief! They didn't even carry on that much when we came in the door. :):) Good! This means I can do this again sometime and not worry as much.
They are a bit insecure--especially Miss Gracie. She eeps away if I leave the room. I have had to stop and talk with her several times a day more than normal. But, she is settling down now. Karma spent a lot of time laying all over me off and on the last couple days--but she seems to have settled down a bit now, too. She was just showing me that she missed me, of course--needed a lot of snuggling. She needed a lot of play time with her string toys, of course, also.
I mostly caught up on just reading emails yesterday here and there--hobbling about. Today is better. But I didn't feel up to going and looking at houses with Dagan and Leah after work today. Just on R&R for now. My big project for the day--washing clothes. Was such a wonderful, wonderful visit, but it is always good to be home. :)
Thank you, Mary Lou, for everything! So good to see you, Renee, Joel, and Denise! Oh--and Dagan checked out fine with the cardiologist and the pacemaker check. Life is good!!
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