This paper -- (it is from Nepal--ran across the description as I made an order for sketchbooks this morning) -- is terrible for watercolors. It just sucks up the water and gets all soggy. This morning I ordered some watercolor sketchbooks and some sketchbooks with regular paper from Dick Blick. This book will have to be strictly for dry medium.
This Wednesday--tomorrow--I am supposed to go shopping with Leah. We'll see how I feel--if I am better. I was miserable all Sunday night--felt like I was going to throw up and even had an ice cream pail by the bed. When I finally got up--took my vitamins--and they came right back up. That is how the day went yesterday. Couldn't even keep water down. Dry heaves. Miserable. Pounding headache. Dagan stopped by with milk and he went down and got my mail for me. What a sweetheart! Was only awake 8 hours and went back to bed. Have been up since 3am. Still really queasy--but have kept down some water and a glass of milk (knock on wood!). The headache isn't as bad so far today--more tolerable.
Anyways, it's the 3rd and I have CashWise coming between noon-2pm today. That will about do me in for the day--just putting groceries away. I can always just put away the stuff for the frig and freezer and leave the rest. I called yesterday and cancelled Caroline for this afternoon. Switched her to next week.
Well, if I was going to be sick, good thing it is now. We are going down to Minneapolis--on Friday the 13th--I just realized that it is a Friday the 13th that we are driving down. Good thing I am not superstitious--ha! Dagan and Leah are getting excited about the Shaklee seminar they will be going to. They have signed up for a 7 month program (Roger Barrett is involved sometimes too, I guess) where they have telephone conference calls every Saturday and I don't know what else. I haven't had a chance to see them--so I haven't heard all about what they are doing/learning. Anyways, I will have to be really good to myself and get well and feeling good for the trip. :) Right now--time to go sit in my chair with my ice cream bucket...maybe catch a few more winks before CashWise comes later....
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