Yesterday was my bus trip to the West Acres Mall. I want to keep making the short trip to the mall and walking for exercise. That is the plan! Trying not to be housebound! :)
To show you that there is just nothing to walk
to around where I live--this is the view from the bus bench looking south.

And this is looking north. Used to be just all flat fields. Now it is all new apartment buildings and residential.

When I got to the mall I went on a walk up and down the hallways. This is my favorite sitting area that I found and it is close to the bus stop waiting area--right down the hallway. I sat facing the very overcrowded,
very large fish tank.

I was in the light brown chair to the left of the couch--sitting and writing to my aunt, Mary Lou. :)

Then I went out for another swing around the mall before I caught the bus home. In one hallway they have the Roger Maris Museum.

Here's a close up of the plaque for you baseball fans--not that you can read it--hehe! Maybe you can if you click on it and enlarge it, I didn't try.

They have this tiny room where you can sit and watch a video about Mr. Maris. I must confess that I have never watched it. Maybe some other time. But that is the "museum"--some windows in the hall and this little room.

At the other end of the mall by the food court is Creative Kitchen. They are having their Food Expo this weekend and I am planning on making another bus trip to go to it and watch the demos. I wanted to take a shot of it as it is normally and then I'll get a shot at the Expo--if I remember.

This is the view looking out from Creative Kitchen of the Food Court. It is quite huge! Lots of places to sit and sketch in the future, I guess?

I turned to my left and shot the eating tables they have on either side of the big doors at the Food Court end of the mall. Was pretty quiet on a Monday afternoon, I must say.

On my way back to the bus stop area I snapped a wider view of where I had been sitting by the fish tank. They have some kind of TV on the other side. I didn't check that out this time, so I don't know if it is advertisements or what is on it? Couldn't really hear it very well from where I was sitting--but then I already have hearing loss in my left ear.

Then I turned around to snap a picture of the directory--and some man who works for the mall came up with a scowl and demanded to know why I was taking pictures!? No lie! I explained it was for my blog and he laughed and walked away. Strange. Is there some kind of mall espionage going on? Are there mall spies!? Do I look like a mall spy? And if I really was a mall spy, wouldn't I lie and say I was taking pictures for my blog?

This is the wonderful place they have built for people to wait for the bus. Very nice in the wintertime!

And here are shots of where you can wait outside, right in front of the inside waiting area. This is the right side as you look out--for non smokers. I went and waited out there after I took pictures--such a gorgeous day!!!

And this is the left side for the smokers. Employees come out there to smoke, too. In fact, I think these were all emplyees.
I was so exhausted--just from the trip to the mall when I hadn't gotten much sleep the night before, either--that I was in bed by 7:30pm and woke up at 9:30am! Times like that remind me I have chronic fatigue syndrome, too. But it was such a good day and I am determined to ride up to the mall more often--gain confidence--and eventually start taking additional buses elsewhere.
Yesterday Dagan found out he had free pizza day at work--so he came over today instead. Showed me how to transfer my favorites to Google--to update them, I mean. I have already started to save them in cyberspace now! Love it! And we laughed at this cartoon on PBS that has a pig, cow, and a duck with Irish accents! Just cracked us up!
Caroline came to clean this afternoon. I just ate a sandwich. It is another absolutely beautiful sunny day like yesterday. The grass is mostly green now! Spring has finally arrived, I guess.
Tomorrow Dagan and Leah are coming over after work. Leah is going to do some more embossing on her business cards. We are going to watch Oprah that I taped--about going green!! Just in such a great mood! Happy, happy hobbling about today. Sure hope those earth shoes fit when they come and help me with the walking about. Have a great day, everybody!!
hey Rita I went looking for you cause i missed ya! Sorry to here about your computer glitch and I hope it lets you back.. Have you tried going in thru Yahoo or another server . it worked for me cause I use Mac and they want me to spend $150 on an up grade.grrr always something. so they blocked me..just a thought hope you are well I enjoy seeing where people live and life thru their eyes.
Hey Bumpy!!
I am already on Yahoo. I don't know what the problem is with me getting on I have actually been able to get on once in a blue moon, but then it will turn around and not let me on again? Since I had announced I was back that time and then couldn't get on again--I just check my email and keep my mouth shut. I think I have been on twice in three months. Not a good record for communication. Should probably close out my groups next time I can get on--whenever that will be? Love to have you email me. I miss the old hippes and my crafty ladies from Sparks!
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