Was a hot weekend! I spent it inside with the AC and Miss Karma...
...lolled about in the heat on the porch.
Her cat grass is now overflowing the planter! Cat life is good!!
What have I been up to?
Daniel Smith yellow and purple ink bookmark sheet.
Crazy dots made with pink and burgundy inks.
And started figuring out what I want to do for a set of Christmas cards. I'm thinking a circle cut with the Cuttlebug on the front and using this tree stamp. But I wanted to see what would work well to represent snow on the tree. Tried the three liquids I had close at hand...
...and I like them all! (Tulip "snow" and Stickles icicles & diamonds.) So they will hopefully have enough left in them to cover over a hundred trees. May need to buy another bottle of something if I run out.
Hard to see, but they all three do sparkle.

So--now that I like the tree snows--I'm in the process of figuring out what color to stamp the tree (have a few more greens) that will go best with the background green paper I have the most of? If I want the greeting stamped along with the tree on the front and where? (Have two curved Christmas sayings.) What should I put inside--if anything? And so it goes...hehe! ;)
I want to have at least one good sample made up before Tuesday that Leah can look at and see if she likes them, too. If not, she can make her own style, of course (she sends way less cards than I do and I have sometimes fallen in love with a card that she doesn't like and made mine separately). Or we could come up with something else we both like. We'll see. Getting ahead of myself, eh? I have to come up with a card first--hehe! Oh--and I can email pictures to Leah and ask her opinion, too. What a world, eh?
I am planning on going over to Dagan and Leah's on Tuesdays for a while. Leah and I are going to buckle down and focus on the etsy shop--now that the weeks of computerTVsystem tweaking is over and done with--TADA!! *big happy face!* Seems like things have just gotten sidetracked and time is slipping away. It's the end of August already!! Goodness!
I've been thinking of skipping days here and there on the blog--like I did yesterday. Not sick or feeling terrible, but just to free up some time in my "either/or" life--hehe! Yesterday--"instead"--I got caught up on blog comments and finally did a 5-month catch-up post on my art blog--tada! Plus I had time to play with the card stuff, too. So I got a little more done, you know?
But I am such a creature of habit--been blogging almost daily for over four years now....?? Well, I'll see how it goes. So--don't worry that I'm not feeling well if you don't see a blog here and there--or maybe even for a couple of days, who knows? Now it should mean the opposite--that I am feeling good and getting stuff done, right? Even if it is catching up online--hehe!
I've just got to thinking a lot about how much time I do spend on the computer ever since John/Spruce in Canada said he may go offline altogether! I do spend probably at least half my "good" hours each day (if not all) at the computer. I only have a few--(3-5 one hour sessions)--and I spend one or more just on the blog every day. (Talk about dedication--or, as most people would probably say, wasting my time--ROFL!) And then there's all the other things to do on the computer--places to go, people to see--hehe! And I just joined a couple of online writers groups--and have no time to actually get there. I haven't made a new video for youtube in over six months...the list just goes on and on.
I'd miss all the connections I've made online (my peeps), so I won't give them up. So maybe I have to give up the blogging every day and cut back on some other online activities. I already got rid of Twitter a while ago. I'm going to think on it. And be around a little bit less right here, I think. So--don't worry about me, okay? Toodles for now!! I'll leave you with a quote that is definitely good for days!! ;)
"Happiness makes up in height for what it lacks in length."
Robert Frost