Tuesday, January 31, 2012


A lot of cold winter mornings with no splashy sunrises. ;)
I finally--yes, FINALLY--got going on the birthday cards for 2012 again. Good thing as I need half a dozen for February. The next step was cutting the rectangular shape around the cupcake using my Cuttlebug and a Spellbinder's die.
Lay down the paper on my battered B plate, position the die over the cupcake, place the C plate on top...
...run it through to cut it the rectangle shape and then flip it over...
...lay the rubber mat on top...
...then a piece of chipboard for a shim and another B plate...
....run that through the machine...
...and pop out the cupcake--all embossed around the edges.
Repeat 50 times.
I am now finished with that part.
The next step is to apply the caulking icing!
Karma noticed I had removed the misting box from the hallway boxes...
...so she parked herself comfortably on top of them.
She doesn't know it yet (I am keeping the planter up on the table until the grass is a good two inches high because she tends to pull them out by the roots even more so when they are short) but her grass is already on the rise. Won't be long and she can gnaw away!
I had my federal housing inspection on Monday morning. Bob has been coming to see me once a year since I lived in Moorhead, was still going to college, was in terrible pain, and looked like I was on death's door--LOL! Such a sweet man!
I have been working on the usual--balancing the checkbook, writing out bills, and figuring out the budget for February. I also have had paperwork and various copies to be made for the state's annual review. All that took up most of my day yesterday.
I spent today catching up online and puttering about a little with journals and such. It's a very dark day, albeit warmer (32 degrees). In fact it might be raining lightly. I think I hear a light patter on the silent air conditioner. Karma is snoring next to me in her plush cat bed. The building has even been quiet today. Only the occasional door slamming or footsteps in the hallway or on the stairs. Just a contented, peaceful day in Fargo. :)
Tomorrow night Leah and I plan to drag down all the polymer clay supplies (closet over the washer and dryer) for our project for Miss Tori. ;) Be so nice to see Dagan and Leah after missing our last two Wednesday nights (me and my crazy hours!). Life is good!
Just for the heck of it, hug somebody today. Or give someone a big smile. Or give someone a compliment. Or open a door for someone. Or tell somebody you love them. Everybody needs those things sometimes. :):)
"Make visible what, without you, might perhaps never have been seen."
Robert Bresson


Friko said...

Good idea, I have been extra kind to one person today.

It seems you never stop making and doing. I am far lazier than you.

TexWisGirl said...

very interesting process for making the cards! :)

(i like that karma!)

DJan said...

I'm sending YOU a virtual hug and giving my guy a physical one. Thanks for being such a good friend. Not just to me, but to many...

carol l mckenna said...

Creative card ~ fun ~ Love Karma ~ she doesn't miss a thing does she? namaste, carol ^_^

Anonymous said...

I love your cards. That one you sent me with the pink jewels is so pretty! I love that darker color pink :O) I also love the scalloped edging. I used to go to card making parties hosted by various stamping up ladies in town. They put together stations where all the supplies for making a card are all ready with a sample card and instructions. I loved to make those but always made mine just a bit different. I wish I knew someone that was doing them now. You sure seem to have a lot of federal and annual appointments for various things. I would get so stressed out over things like that...especially now, since my brain is deep in the fog. I can't even crochet or knit right now. I can't keep the instructions straight and my hands hurt too much anyway. Hopefully this medication change will help that.

Serena Lewis said...

I thought you just had an inspection a month or so back?

The cupcake cards are so cute!

Enjoy your time with Leah and Dagan tomorrow.

I actually managed to do some sketching yesterday but then I got quite ill by the time evening rolled around (uterine issues). I'm feeling a little drained today but I'm sure I'll pick up soon.

A lovely sentiment to acknowledge someone in a positive, loving way.

Love and hugs,
Serena xo

Melissa Ann Goodwin said...

Okay that was cool with the card. Your cat is so pretty. I miss having a kitty but we can't have one on the road in the RV. But when we land somewhere - kitties!!

Intense Guy said...


I love your cupcakes!!! :)

I <3 U!

Beth said...

How talented you are. Neat idea with the cards.
Karma looks happy as usual.
I hope you are getting your proper rest..

Nancy's Notes said...

What wonderful cards! You are one creative lady and what a great post!
Have a wonderful and happy day!

Toriz said...

Sounds like a nice day; quite and peaceful with a lot of craft project stuff getting done! :)

Rita said...

Friko--LOL! I doubt anyone is lazier than I am these days! ;)

Theresa--We crafters do love our little machines and tools and supplies--LOL! ;)

Djan--Big virtual hug! And a virtual coffee chat--why not? I love my virtual hikes with you and your friends, but I'd pass on the sky diving--even virtually--ROFL!! I am honored to count you as a friend! :):)

Carol L--Thanks! No, Karma doesn't miss too much in her little world. ;)

Donna--Cardmaking parties where you get to make cards--cool! Do you remember, was that Stampin' Up?
Fibro brainfog does make it hard to concentrate. Even moreso when you're on pain pills. I hope the new meds are working for you. :)

Serena--I have several inspections. The one I just had a little while back was for the apartment complex (with low income they usually do inspections once a year--or more). This one Monday was the annual federal housing one--they help me with part of my rent money. Then I have a lady who comes once a year from the state (for my cleaning girl) to do an interview and look around. I also have a yearly review for food stamps and Medicaid--but they let me do that over the phone because basically nothing has changed for seven years. I do lots of paperwork. :) I hope you're feeling better by now. Hang in there!! *hugs*

Melissa--I couldn't have a cat for 8 years before I moved here and I missed it. Tell you what! You can borrow Karma as your virtual RV cat. She's afraid to be outside, so she'll never leave the RV--LOL! ;)

Iggy--ROFL!! You are something else! Hope you're feeling okay and not having to shovel too much snow your way. *big hugs*

Beth--When I get the cupcakes all done then I can finish layering. I have the rest of the card done and ready to go, thank goodness. Yes, I'm sleeping better now that I'm on days--ahhh! It's wonderful, thanks!! :)

Nancy--Thanks so much! And a wonderful, happy day backatcha!! :)

Celticspirit said...

That cuttlebug is very interesting. I don't think I've ever seen one before. Looks like it would be lots of fun to play with.
I love that picture where it looks like Karma is peeking around the corner. Precious. I miss my kitty. :(
I like your thoughts on hugging or being nice to someone today. I wish everyone would do that.

Crazy Life of a Writing Mom said...

Look at how awesome you are! I LOVE the card. :0)

Dee Ready said...

Dear Rita,
I learned a lot reading your response to "Serena's" comment. Besides the time spent being creative, you spend a lot of time dealing with the intricacies of simply living with fibromyalgia. I admire you so much, Rita. Your quiet blog, which has introduced me to so many art forms, always stills any anxiety within me.
Thank you. And like DJan, I send you a virtual hug.


Deanna said...

I'll start out with a virtual hug for you ((((((((hug))))))) even if I am a day late.

Computer problems! I am now using my husband's while he is at work. Think he will notice?

It has been warm here! This has been the craziest winter ever.

Have fun making cards!

AliceKay said...

The birthday card is so sweet. :) Looks like it takes a lot of time to make them. I'm sure your recipients will love them, tho.

Karma looks comfy there. I bet she thinks you created that spot just for her. :)

The weather here has been unreal. Snow one day, temps in the mid 50s the next. It rained a bit this morning, but it's now a beautiful "spring" day out there. 56 degrees when I was out in the yard picking up some pine tree limbs earlier.

I walked down and "fixed" Mom's TV a little while ago. Somehow it got changed from 16:9 to Zoom on her screen, and she didn't know what happened. She says Dad must have hit something on the remote. The "Format" button is right below the "Power" button.

I'm glad you're back on days so you can see Dagan and Leah. I hope you all have a nice time tonight.

*sends a long distance hug*

Pearl said...

It's not been much of a winter, has it?!

And I had no idea the process of making cards. Interesting!

Greetings from Minneapolis,


Kymberly Foster Seabolt said...

Had to smile over "repeat 50 times." Love it!

What a wonderful and thoughtful idea. I'm sure those are little rays of much-needed sunshine to all who receive them! :)

Rita said...

Tori--It was a nice peaceful day!! :)

Barb--You can buy all kinds of shapes of cutting dies and embossing folders to use with it. It's our favorite craft machine. :)
Karma was peeking at me around the corner--LOL! ;)

Elisa--But slow...ROFL! These should have been done in December at the latest. ;)

Dee--Then I also have to deal with my both school loans a couple times a year, too. Seems like I am always making copies and filling out forms--LOL!
Virtual hug back to you, too, lady!!! :):)

Deanna--Hug to you, too!!
I hate computer problems. Hope the hubby didn't mind you using his. Isn't that what white knights are supposed to do for a damsel in distress? ;)

AliceKay--Wouldn't take that long if I was only making one--LOL! ;)
The weather has been crazy here all winter too! From deep freeze to rain--back and forth. Hardly any snow when we usually have high banks by now. Odd winter, indeed.
I wouldn't be any better off than your mom. didn't understand a word of computer jibberjabber you said--LOL! ;)
*hugs back*

Pearl--I don't know how you stumbled across my blog, but I am so glad you did!! I checked out your blog (giggling away over here) and you have a new follower.
Yup! Pathetic winter with entirely too much ice and freezing rain. Honestly hasn't felt like winter--even when it's below zero--when I can see brown fields. Not right, I tell you! Not right! ;)
Hope to see you again, Pearl!

Unknown said...

Aren't you the talented one! Thanks so much for commenting on my question of the day. I purposely didn't post my answer so I wouldn't sway anyone's thoughts in a certain direction. Your response was wonderful. Donna

Cowgirl Red said...

I just love that Karma !!! xoxox Terah

Crystal said...

Cute birthday cards and absolutely adorable kitty! :-)

carol l mckenna said...

thanks for visiting and your well wishes ~ Yes, this is the 2nd cold ~ and it wants to 'hang around me' till Spring I think ~ I am determined to 'git rid of it asap' ~ Hah! such control I think I have ~ LOL ~ enjoy the weekend ~ namaste, carol

Rita said...

Kymberly--It's repeat 100+ times for Christmas--LOL! ;)

Donna--Thanks so much, Donna! :)

Terah--Me, too!! LOL! ;)

Crystal--Welcome! I checked your blogs and see you are a fellow crafter! Hope you stop by again. :)

Carol L--Good luck! Those colds seem to have a mind of their own--LOL! I hope you are rid of it soon, though. ;)

Hold my hand: a social worker's blog said...

Oh wow, the card making process is so fascinating.

You're so talented, Rita.

As far as doing something kind today, I enjoyed visiting my elderly friend Barbara. We had such a great time. I was teaching her how to access the internet. Helped her to set up yahoo and facebook accounts :-)) She can use a computer they have available at the assisted living where she resides. That's pretty cool!


Rita said...

Doris--Thanks! I can't imagine you NOT doing some thing kind every day! So nice of you to help your friend, Barbara. Somebody has got to help keep us computer illiterates online--LOL! My son and DIL help me. :) Have a great day!!