Happy Independence Day To Me!!!
And I took pictures of Dagan and Leah's new Nissan Versa, too.
Kind of daunting--getting behind the wheel after around five years or so. I had a car briefly around five years ago or so--gifted to me by a friend of a friend in college. It had been her Mother-In-Law's car and she had called it Blueberry Betty. I was going to call the car Faith--so she was called Blueberry Betty Faith. BBFaith lasted for less than a year, I think. I drove her about once a week. Other than that--I haven't had a car since I moved here in 1999!! Well, it is still Dagan and Leah's car, of course--but it will be over here with me. :)
Dagan and Leah are so good to me!!
It all came back to me--like riding a bike--hehe!
So, I have my own independence, too, today! I still can't quite wrap my mind around it--but I will. Am I going anyplace today? Nope. :) But, I will be sitting here savoring the thought that I can drive myself to my doctor appointment on the 14th!! That CashWise was out of my toilet paper yesterday and I can drive over to Target--whenever I want!--and buy some! Don't have to call Dagan and Leah to see who can take me....ahhhhhh--freedom!
Rita! That is so awesome!!!! I'm so excited for you and for Leah and Dagan and their new little car and new place to live! :)
Dagan and Leah were saying that this is proof that when you are on the wrong path the doors close and when you are on the right path the doors open! Sure seems to be the case! I have been benefiting, too--overflow of goodness--ha!
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