This is the Winsor Newton Bijou Box that people are trying to imitate with the Altoids tins. It is very small and comes with 8 full-sized pans and a travel brush. Runs between $95-110 where I could find it online. So I am saving a lot of money, I guess, eh? And I have 15 smaller half pans--more colors!
My folks will be here any minute, so this will be brief.
We had heat lightning all night long. Was about 90 degrees yesterday and supposed to be that again for the next couple days. I tried the air conditioner again and this time it worked!!!! Somehow it fixed itself since last week. Things do that around here--like the computer recently did. ??? I am fortunate, I guess, eh?
Well, I had to move the red chair out of the way so that nobody sits in it. Not fixed yet. May take a long time to get the parts. Anyways, TTYL----have a nice day!
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