Actually got out the sewing machine yesterday and fixed the elastic straps on my lap desks.

They were so loose that they were useless. Shortened them up and they are working again.

I had called Monday about the dryer (I rent) smelling like hot rubber. The maintanence man showed up yesterday. Not too prepared. He borrowed my flashlight and then had to leave to go get his tools. Wouldn't you think to bring tools with you?

He was here for quite a while and took the entire dryer apart. Guess what it was? A Bounce sheet caught up someplace...??? Never heard of that! I guess it is fixed. I'll find out next time I wash clothes, I guess.

After I put the sewing machine away, I set up the table for painting and played around off and on for the rest of the day.

Was experimenting on drawing smaller (card size), trying out the smaller brushes, using shades of ink from black to grey, and even attempted drawing bamboo a couple of times.

The old weights I used for sewing worked great! I purchased the set of six that remind me of milk cans (expensive) and then bought huge nuts at the hardware store (cheaper). I am thinking that I might cover the nuts with polymer clay--one of these days. Anyways, They are small enough not to be in the way and worked like a charm! :)
Today--storms are gone and the temperature has dropped! All the windows open! Gorgeous day!! Big fluffy white clouds against a deep blue sky! Have been out on the porch reading--ahhhh!
Leah is coming over after work with some of the acrylic painting supplies and a gallon of milk for me. She is borrowing a bunch of craft supplies to bring over to her place for her Shaklee meeting tonight. They are going to be working on constructing their Vision Books, so they need to borrow glues and scissors and punches and such. I could have gone over and joined them tonight, but I don't want to push it with my arm since it is just about back to normal (hardly burns at all).
Anyways, excited to have the paints back here again! Right now I am off to read on the porch some more. :)
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