I got all the additional painting supplies Dagan and Leah had returned piled on to the table yesterday. That is as far as I got.
Naturally, Karma was amazed that the dryer was pulled out for some mysterious reason and wanted to sneak behind it to investigate. I told her not to go back there--but she was creeping cautiously to peek behind the dryer anyways. She had just reached her head behind the dryer when something made a loud rattley noise back there. Karma came racing past me--puffed up twice her size! I went to go look. The contraption was being bobbled and jiggled on our end of the dryer vent, so I knew he had found the exit vent on the outside of the building.
Turned out there was a bird's nest in the end of the vent! The birds had closed off the inside of the end of the vent and then built a nest right on the very end of it. Over time the dryer dust had really plastered it shut completely. What I had smelled was just plain dryer exhaust coming into my apartment, I guess. Yuck! So--we now think we know what the problem was. I will find out for sure when I wash clothes next time. :)
Meanwhile--all evening Karma kept vigil in the hallway by the washer and dryer doors.
She gradually got braver. She sniffs under the door. She paws under the door. Searching for the critter that scared her out of her wits.
She is losing a bit of her diligent interest today. Cracks me up, tho! I'll still find her parked in the hallway staring under the closet doors--sniffing and pawing. And she thought her life had become safe and serene since Miss Gracie disappeared....ROFL!!!
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