Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Finally finished! The tank looks so nice and clean! The fish look very happy!!
I did lose the runt rummy nose tetra. The other two looked fine, but now I can't find one this morning? Could be hiding in the new hiding spots? I hope so. I'll keep an eye out for it. The six black tetras did just fine--they're a hardier tetra--even the smaller ones look fine today. My lone killifish (I'm not sure if that is how you spell it) was fine--but they can live in a bowl, so I knew he'd be fine. One very old white cory (she must be about eight years old now) and the pleco--all fine. I don't have many fish. Have just had these few for over a year. Maybe now I might buy a few more eventually. I know I'll feel sorry for the rummy nose if there's only one left...
Caroline comes today, so I have to get moving here--gather up the trash and pick up the cat toys. I am just so happy that my plan worked yesterday!! I stayed up all day--forced myself. Went to bed at 10pm and woke up at 10am!! DAYS!!!! So, I should be fine to go with Leah to the pottery class tonight!! So excited! Hope I stay on days now for a while! Hurray!

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