Beautiful morning! Sunny and supposed to get close to 70 today--was the same and over 70 yesterday. Time to take the cover off the wall air conditioner.
I let the paper dry overnight, stacked it up, and put some heavy books on them for overnight last night.

I made a quick video showing the dry paper and the stacking of the books--now up on youtube. :)
Miss Karma is soooooo happy to have the porch opened up...

With the larger papermill we can make envelopes, too. I bought a template (different size than the one included in the large kit), the real flower stickers (totally extravagant--but they are really pretty!), 20 extra couch papers, deep blue & pastel window cards (supposed to fit all those square paper moulds we have--we can make our own template from them), and the large papermill. They sent me that small multicolored packet as a gift. You use those papers to tint your handmade paper, I guess. Nice of them!
Handmade paper....what fun!!! It's something I always wanted to try but never got around to it. I love new supplies.....can't wait to see what else you make.
Hi Serena!
You can see the process on my youtube, too! I took video of Leah making paper!! :):)
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