I thought I'd better post now before I go to bed. I'm on a sort of split shift again--went to bed at 8pm and woke up at 1am and couldn't get back to sleep. Now I am about ready to lay down again for a long nap--hehe! Left to my own devices I really do keep some strange hours!
Anyways, yesterday Caroline came to clean and then Leah came over after that. We made three videos about making the handmade paper. The last one is still loading onto YouTube, but the first two are already up. Leah did most of the explanation--and she did the actual paper making. Me--I did the camera work. What a team--hehe! Was fun! Leah is now on YouTube, too!! :) :)
The filming slowed us down and we only got half a dozen sheets made--hehe! Here they are drying on the table--which is always covered with a thick plastic sheet we bought at JoAnn's years ago.

A little hello from Karma. She sure finds the most awkward places to relax sometimes.

I'm probably going to end up asleep before that third paper making video is uploaded, but it should be up some time today if I don't get bumped off the Internet for some reason (like automatic updates--hehe!). Now you'll eventually get to see the whole process of making paper on video! Takes a couple of days to finish the sheets. After they dry--and they do get a bit buckled--I press them under some heavy books overnight.
Anyways, Leah is planning on being back on Thursday--with her paper shredder! Yup! She came up with a plan--hehe! Such fun!!! :):)
I would like to do a little papermaking myself. I have been reading up on how to do it and the supplies that you need. Maybe one of these days as I haven't got much of anything else done either. They have been digging up my street for the last 3 weeks. Loud...noisy...and sooo inconvenient :( I don't have a garage so I have had to park a block away for awhile...grrr!!!!
I will post some pictures of it soon. Nothing else done yet. It is still cold and rainy here in Indiana in the beginning/middle of May! My studio is damp and the light burnt out that I can't even get too :(
Hoping it is warm and dry Friday night and Saturday morning so I can work on the studio and mow my jungle (aka my yard)lol
Seems you are moving right along with your card projects :)
Karma is so cute in that picture...lol...how is that comfortable?
You can see how Leah and I have adapted our own way of making the poured handmade paper on my youtube videos. We use the Arnold Grummer papermills.
Hope they finish with your street pretty soon! And that you can get down in your basement studio--and that it doesn't rain so you can mow your lawn. Life always takes up so much of our "creative" time, doesn't it? :):)
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