Yesterday I spent a bit of time with dried flowers. :) I slowly rubbed all the tiny buds off of these (came with the roses this year).
Took the old dried bouquet of red roses apart (from a few years ago)--see bag of red rose petals and small bag of baby's breath--bottom bags. The two roses that fell down to the closet floor--put those petals into bags--top two left. And I already had all the orange spiky petals saves from the flowers this year that came with the roses. Lots to make paper with! :)
The roses dried beautifully!!I removed the excess leaves and put them in the vase. :)
I'll have them to look at for a long time!!
And when they get old and dusty--I'll take them apart and use them for making paper--hehe! :):) Talk about recycling, eh?
It stayed dark and rained off and on all day yesterday and all night last night. It was so windy all afternoon it was just crazy! The outdoor carpeting on my "porch" is just tacked down on both ends of the balcony floor boards. The wind gusts would come and poof the wet carpet up and down. Karma found that absolutely fascinating!
Every time the wind roared in the force of it made her ears go back.
But she never moved. It was just too interesting to miss, I guess--hehe!
And for the first time the wind was actually warm!! I didn't see--but it must have gotten up close to 80? Not today, though--predicting rain to continue and only upper 50's.
Slept a little sounder. Pain not as sharp this morning. Could be a better day--knock on wood. Hurray!! :):):)
Hope it is a good day for you, too!!
The dried roses look beautiful and they held their colour quite well too. They almost look like they're made of paper....beautiful!
I know! I am just tickled with the way they turned out! :):)
Aahh - this is the blog to be checking - not the other one! I love your dried roses - look fabulous and make me want to paint them!
Hi Anna,
This is my regular blog that I try to write a little something in every day--or almost every day. Welcome! Stop by any time--if you don't mind the chit chat and more information about Karma than anybody needs to know--hehe! :)
Hi Rita! Oh wow I love your roses, they are so gorgeous, I have dried flowers in the past too and never really quite knoew what to do with them....yours held shape and color so well....almost look like tissue or fine paper! Thanks for shareing!
I just stick them in a vase because I can't think of anything else to do with them either. I have been known to tie a bow around the vase--hehe! :)
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