Leah brought some leftover bubbles in one of those small containers they give everybody at weddings, you know? Karma went nuts! She just cried and cried--well, or chatted in excitement sounds better--hehe!

Here's the additive we tried. It came in a plastic bag, but I peeled the sticker off the plastic bag, put the powder in a glass jar, and wrapped the sticker around the jar. We couldn't see any noticeable difference on the sheets we used the additive--so we didn't use it any more. It is supposed to make the paper archival, tho--so would be fantastic for any art project you were working on. And I will want to try it as far as making paper to write on one day--to see if it helps with feathering.
Leah came over yesterday afternoon. She helped me bring some stuff to the storage area and we got my fans out of the garage, too. She made up four more snowflake molds and then worked on some paper. We decided on one and a quarter sheets. The one and a half sheets were still a little thick--but we'll use them.
You can see how the couch paper soaks up the various colors. When you go to make white paper--you want a whiter couch paper, tho, because they can stain the paper.

They sure do dry lighter, don't they? I think I am going to try to iron some of the sheets and see if we'd prefer them ironed instead of just book pressed. :)
My back was bothering me and poor Leah's feet were hurting her--from all the standing the day before working on the paper and all the shopping she did with her brother and sister that night (she also has plantar fasciitis). Went slowly and took breaks. I felt badly that I wasn't of more use yesterday. We'll get together next Tuesday again. In the meantime, if I have a good lower back day I will make a few sheets myself. :)
Dagan came over after work and we ordered Chinese from Nine Dragons. Had a nice visit. Chuck and Michal close on their new house on June 22nd, if I remember correctly. I'm sure they'll be glad to be on their own again in their own place! Happy for them! :):):)
Leah's old boss (in India) called--said he was going to call her back that night--but hasn't yet. Typical--that was days ago. Sounded like they were wondering about her coming back? They might be sorry they let her go. ?? Leah didn't think they had anyone there who could handle the training and the rest of her job at the time when they figured they didn't need her any more. Hummm....??? If they were to offer her job back she wants to have some days off. She had none whatsoever--vacation or sick days--and had to work six days a week during their busy months. No benefits. I know she worked a lot of days from 7-8am until 7-8pm. She'll see if they offer her a job and what the details would be.
She could work the part-time job she has now (making teeth) on the weekends--but then she wouldn't be able to work six days a week for them in India part of the year. ?? I don't think she wants to quit the new job. She really enjoys it--like combining work and crafts--hehe! She'd like to learn the entire business over time. He even makes prosthetic ears and things like that!! And he has mentioned--in passing--the possibility of Leah taking over his business one day. But he has also discussed that he knows she needs to find another job right now because he can only give her part-time work at present. So she'll have to weigh all the options.
Who knows--maybe they'll change their minds again (India). They are not exactly the most dependable people to work for. She did enjoy the job--just too many hours and no time off.
Anyways--it always pays to do your best, doesn't it? No matter what you are doing. It will all work out--one way or the other. :):)
What fun for Karma!
It does sound like Leah is enjoying her current part-time job and it sounds like there could be a possibility for her to expand her skills. That said, it will all depend on the priorities, I suppose....decisions like that are never easy.
You both have been busy with all that paper. I'm enjoying the process. :)
Will be praying the right decision is made, Very hard in this economy for sure!
I love the papers! Oh and the kitty! I love animals!
Thanks for sharing!
Id love to foloow your blog but I cant find the button to do so!! *laughs*
Hi Ladies!
Yes--if they do offer Leah her job back there are a lot of considerations. I know she will make the right decision. She'll think it through and talk it over with Dagan. :) Might all work out just perfectly, right? :):)
Karma loved the bubbles--passionately! hehehe!
We are having a great time with the paper--as we always do. Even if we were both sore and tired on Wednesday--hehe! We just took it slow--lots of breaks for Leah and I didn't do much--chuckle! Some days are just like that. :)
Rebag--I think if you look at the very top where they have "next", etc--there's one that says "follow". Try that. :) I may have learned how to blog and make videos on youtube--but my computer knowledge remains fairly narrow in scope--ROFL!!
Hope you both have a great day--or evening--hehe! :):)
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