Here's the tea with the mushroom floating sideways in the jar--taken earlier on this chilly, rainy day. Karma, as usual, has to investigate anything new I am doing. In our small world, small things are interesting. :)

Not a good day with the rib pain. I have dirty dishes piled in the sink. I need to wash clothes pretty soon. I have bags of catalogs to throw into the dumpster that are sitting, waiting, on the little green cart by the door. There are buckets of water still sitting out for the bettas--yes, bettas, plural! That poor red one is still lying about on the bottom. He has a diffcult time making it to the top of the larger bowl to eat, so I had finally decided to clean and switch them--set out water to get to room temperature yesterday. But then today--too sore to do so. Maybe tomorrow?
Since I have to shift about and need something to do when I am sitting by the table, I drug out the altered book I barely started a couple months ago. My fantasy or imagined life--a kind of scrapbook with all the things I would want if anything was possible--suggested by Dr. John long ago. I started with an artist's studio! Is fun to sit and cut and paste. I will be doing some background painting on pages, too, but wasn't up to that tonight. I'll try to remember to take pictures of the pages tomorrow.
Oh, I was asked about the re-evaluation for my cleaning girl. It went fine. Gwen does a home visit every six months. (I believe she is a social worker for the county?) She needs to come and find out if anything has changed (like if I am going downhill and need more help) and if things are working out okay with my cleaning girl. Funny--every time Gwen arrives she remarks at how much she loves coming here and loves my place. Of course, I like to think it is the good energy! :)
My folks were supposed to call to find out if we wanted them to come visit on Saturday or Sunday this weekend (my mom called the beginning of the week). They haven't called. Dagan and Leah are busy tomorrow, so it would have to be on Sunday. My mom and dad are staying with friends in a town about an hour or so away from Fargo and are planning on just driving over for lunch and driving back. Since I haven't heard from them, you'd think they were coming on Sunday--but with my folks, they just might call on their way into town. And they also mentioned the "possibility" of their friends coming along so they could go shopping in Fargo. I told mom I haven't been feeling well at all and they should check and see if I was up to a visit....
I am just going to sleep when I can--no alarm. Who knows--I might not be able to sleep much at all tonight, either--like last night? I seem to be collapsing about every three days--which would be Sat night/Sunday....
Pam emailed Leah and I about watching a series of 30 product videos online for Shaklee, answering questions about the videos, and Renae would give us each a product reward worth $100 retail!! It is a special opportunity and Renae picks out about 5 people a month for this--we are really excited about it! She pays for our rewards out of her own pocket, which is why she can only do a few a month.
I ended up going into a different section and watching a 47 minute video on fibromyalgia and then a follow-up question and answer video, too! This doctor was very informative and I took some notes. I can't afford to buy all the different Shaklee products related to fibro, but I learned some new things about several of the products. I am concentrating on the digestive cures first--and now I have a list of other items I can graduate to if I get the IBS under control. :)
We have 30 days to watch the 30 product videos. I wasted my first day (not!!) watching one about fibro that doesn't count--hehe! I am sure glad I have the laptop and can watch from anyplace in the apartment, because these are not short videos from what Pam told me. She's watched about seven of them so far. I know Leah is going to be excited about them. She had talked about going to a class on nutrition--well, this it just what she wanted!! All kinds of information on nutrition and how the body works, etc. :)
We both want to be really well informed when Leah begins to have her own presentations (they're not "parties"). Then whatever Leah doesn't remember, maybe I will. :) I am happy to help her out. I think she will be having her first presentation on November 1st. (Dagan's birthday is on the 2nd.) Renae will run the meeting for Leah. In fact, Renae will do several presentations for Leah, and with her, before she'd leave her to do them on her own. I am so happy for Leah to have something so healthy to be excited about!
Well, this has taken me two and a half hours to write this in segments. That's about it for me for today. I am going to go watch ER on tape. :)
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