Then I added the cut down black-eyed susan painting (which I posted previously). I have loved wildflowers since I was a kid wandering the fields near our neighborhood!

I painted the surface of the next page green today for a background color, but no point in taking a picture of that one yet. I didn't do all of this yesterday--only the blue page and the orange page. They really are pretty blah looking, I guess. I might add something later--or just leave them as is and write a little note--"done with a dislocated rib"--hehe! It is just a scrapbook for me, after all. "Fun" therapy!!
I did a book for an art class at Concordia that reminds me of making this one. I have no idea where it went--stored away someplace. Our assignment was to make "A Book About Me". This one will be much easier--hehe!
Well, my mom called at about 12:30pm today. I was sleeping. Had finally fallen asleep somewhere between 6-7am. They're coming tomorrow about noon. Dagan and Leah will be over then. I told Mom that I may or may not be able to go to lunch with them--depending on how my ribs are.
I couldn't get back to sleep, so I got up and was slowly trying to clean up around here little by little. I was running out of dishes and glasses, anyways, so I emptied the dishwasher, filled it again, ran it, and emptied it again. I went around and emptied all the garbages from all the rooms. Figured I'd see if I could work my way up to a trip to the dumpster with the little green cart or if I'd have to ask Dagan or Leah tomorrow. I had two small bags full of catalogs left to throw away, too--they are heavier to lift and I didn't want to put the rib out any more then it is already. Not moving very fluidly today, either.
Turned out Leah called this afternoon--wanted to stop by and pick up a spool of beading wire. So I asked her for help. She took out the trash, put the catalog bags in her trunk to recyle (she is so conscientious!), and even got my mail for me!! If I didn't have company coming--I would have just waited until I felt better--no rush, you know? So, Leah was my very own personal angel today!!! :) :)
Just all the bending with the dishes and trash today aggravated my ribs enough that I had to take a pain pill a couple hours ago. I am getting concerned. I really need this new chiropractor to be able to get my ribs back to normal quickly or I will never be able to tolerate a long car trip! We have the wedding in Minneapolis to go to October 7th--just two weeks away! I am using my last pain pills up pretty quickly here and I have never gotten recovery time/consistent sleep for many days since I was sick for a month on those other supplements. Last night was a restless very few hours again. I am beginning to almost feel like I did when I was in school--like I am gradually just kind of fading away...harder to think, able to accomplish less and less. Like gradually starting the day out with less spoons every day--hehe!
Don't get me wrong, I'm not worried about my surviving all this--not at all. I will eventually get rid of the pain in the ribcage and eventually sleep and sleep--I will be fine--eventually. One learns patience with fibro, I can assure you--(or you'd just be depressed all the time). I am only concerned because I want to go to the wedding and see everybody. Most of my family is in the Twin Cities and I rarely ever see them any more. And I especially want to see my aunt, Mary Lou! Dagan, Leah, and I plan to stay with her this time when we go down and I have been so looking forward to sitting over coffee with her in her kitchen. I have really missed her since I moved away up here. So, say a healing prayer for me!
In the meantime, I am just hanging in here until Wednesday. I do need to wash clothes and sheets before then--but, other than that, I am trying not to irritate the ribs any more than I have to. I am off to watch some more of The Sopranos...
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