I couldn't find the smallest one, tho, yesterday and was searching all over--afraid it would end up in the vacuum cleaner. I discovered it over by Karma's favorite chair by the window. When Leah saw it, she said--that's not small! And she proceeded to work away at the table for a while.
Now, Leah hates to be photographed in the first place--a trait I, myself, totally understand. (But it doesn't stop me from torturing her!) I have to snap a picture when she is unaware I have the camera (in case you haven't noticed, her pictures are often side views and I can't get her face--chuckle!). She is especially camera shy since she knows she just might end up plastered on my blog!! I did snap a picture, tho--hehe! I have asked Dagan to send me pictures of them that they have from their trip to New York for Nathan's wedding (Dagan's stepbrother) and any others they have. I don't have hardly any photos of them!! So, he is goin to do that for me. :)
Here's the itty-bitty crane that Leah made yesterday. My camera doesn't take close-ups very well, so it was difficult to get a picture that you could see. But this gives you the relative size next to the dime. Amazed me!!!!
The time went by quickly and next thing they were leaving to go back to work. Here's Dagan putting his boots on by the door. I should have a chair to sit on by the front door, but where in the world would I find a spot for it!!?? My place is jam packed--like living in a large, crowded closet--hehe! I love it, tho, and nobody else has to live here but me--and the critters. :):)
After Dagan and Leah left, Caroline showed up early and cheery. She had to work on finding as much of the white stuff as she could, using a damp rag (seems to keep it from coming back as quickly and heavily). She also got all the grey stuff off the toilet that I so kindly left for her--hehe! She's sure a nice girl.
Then we were alone for a while. Karma and Gracie snoozed. I worked on the secret project for Dagan and Leah. Learned how to program the new DVD player and reprogrammed the one in the bedroom. (Too tired to dance yesterday--hehe!) Read the last two chapters of "Dark Side of The Light Chasers" and took some notes. Dozed in my lounger for a few minutes before Maria arrived for out short visit (she has about an hour).
Maria said she wanted to do the angel cards, so we settled in for a quick reading. Wow! Was one of those amazing nights when everything is just soooo appropriate and feels so wonderful! Maria got some answers to her questions and said she felt positively etheric by the time she was leaving! Makes me smile right now just remembering!
An hour later I had faded away and was curled up in bed with my sound machine lulling me off to sleep to the music of a hushed distant thunderstorm....
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