Rita's Ramblings: a basically house-bound woman in Fargo, North Dakota blogging for friends, family, and anybody who finds it interesting. I talk about art or craft projects, my grandsons (Ian and Liam), the weather, movies, books, health, and whatever happens to be going on in my life. Welcome!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Tuesday-5am Cogitation on painting
Monday, April 28, 2008
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Big shifts for them! I am just so glad they have a place to stay until they can move into the house. Once they have moved their things--they can then start on the bamboo flooring, I guess! tada! About time. [This construction company is something else! They don't work after five or on weekends--even when they have the light till at least 8pm and are over a month behind! And they are mostly working inside now for goodness sake! Really don't seem too concerned about getting a good reputation with their new business, do they?]
Very loud thunderstorm came through in the middle of the night--rumbling the ground and lighting up the sky. I was awake, of course, and got to watch the whole thing. Karma likes storms, too. She watched from her chair by the window and then begged to go out on the porch--hehe! Was wonderful! sounded like spring! :)
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Miss Karma--the sprawler. This is how I usually see her when she's on the floor or sometimes on the desk in front of the computer screen. She stretches...
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Saturday, April 19, 2008

Friday, April 18, 2008
I had a request for a bookcard made with the packing paper/embroidery thread clippings paper. Made up one for you, Ruby! :) Working on filling it up right now!I have been slowly working on the smelly latex--am up to seven layers. I need about ten layers--have to let them dry inbetween. Good puttery project for me. You can see the sample one Leah made of the dragonfly on the left.
Then we'll pour some Plaster of Paris in these latex rubbery casts to make moulds. They don't have the sharp detail that the originals do, but I think they'll work just fine? We'll see. I just wanted some extra snowflakes when I make up 60 Christmas cards. That latex stuff is really stinky--but it works. We have to be extra careful with the Plaster of Paris moulds because they will crack and break easier than whatever they make the originals out of. That Leah--she comes up with the ideas, doesn't she? :)
Yesterday wasn't very windy--my direction anyways--and it was sooo nice out. Low 60s, but felt warmer than that awful windy day when it was supposed to have been 70 degrees out for the first time. Had the porch doors wide open and actually even had the living room windows open for a spell--first time this year! :) Beautiful day again today! I'm washing clothes.
Tomorrow morning Leah and I are going over to Moorhead Mall. They're having a "craft" garage sale. Anybody can rent a table for $5.00 and bring all their unwanted craft supplies up there to sell. Only runs four hours (10am-3pm)--and we're going to try to get there as close to the beginning as we can.
Leah and I actually rented a table several years ago. First time I ever got rid of a single rubber stamp. And I have been collecting them since high school--before they were popular and there was such a thing as a stamp store--hehe! Anyways, I might find something I can use for birthday or Christmas cards--or who knows what else? One Man's Trash, right? Will be fun! Later....
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Oh--William Sonoma. They sent me back an email with a link.
This product page has different information. Tells all about the set of 2 and buying each chopper separately. I sent them back a link to the page I had saved after I ordered the chopper (that I showed you previously)--which has only one price--one item to buy--but talks about the set. They just said too bad, basically. Very odd, don't you think? Just strange that my page is different from the page that is there now. Computers! Not a big deal. But they didn't even offer to sell me the smaller one for the difference to the set price. Just politely told me I had to order a small one if I wanted one. So much for customer service, eh? Just thought I'd fill you in.
I didn't need to use it yet when I made the soup last night as I still had pre-chopped onions in a jar in the frig. I cover them with oil and they last a long time and are ready for frying.
It was supposed to have gotten up to around 70 degrees yesterday, but with the awful wind it sure did not feel that warm at all. Today is cooler (mid-50s), but then it is supposed to be warmer again (low 60s) for several days.
Well, lets see what I can get done today? Oviously feeling better. :)
P.S. Leah was over at the house painting yesterday!! They can't start on the flooring yet. I told her I could come over and help her with some packing when she needs me. :)
Tuesday, April 15, 2008