House pictures!

The angled siding over the windows looks nice!

Looking in from the by the garage door.

Looking back toward the garage.

Main room upstairs--kitchen, dining, and living room.

Another shot of upstairs.

Master bedroom.

Looking from master bedroom thru the walk-in closet to the laundry room.

Looking from walk-in closet to the master bathroom--green sheetrock will go in the shower.

Shower--not sheetrocked yet.

Vanity area for double sinks.

Downstairs bath/shower.

I am surprised that this side of the stairs area passed inspection. Even if it will be covered up with sheetrock. ???

What a mishmash of boards!

And there's a big dent in the sheetrock.

They'll probably just patch that.
For anybody who has been involved with the construction of a new house or building--my sympathies!
Even though I know they will love the house when all is said and done--what a pain in the patoot dealing with all the errors, damages...on and on. I have not written about most of those issues. Just trying to stay positive. :) It will all work out in the end, right?
47 degrees in Fargo and the sun is peeking out here and there. Supposed to hit 50 degrees tomorrow or the next day. Soon I just might have to torture the cat--hehehe! Who knows? She might love it.
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