I didn't get to bed yesterday morning as planned. Was in my nightgown and thinking about heading to bed when the fire alarm went off! No smell of smoke in the hallway--so I quick threw on some clothes--got Karma in her carrier--trudged down the steps with a complaining cat--realized I had forgotten my keys--checked outside the building door--no smoke--left Karma whining by the exit door--ran back up the stairs to grab my keys--back down the three flights of stairs--hauled Karma over to the office. We waited there for about 20-30 minutes while the fire department came to check it out. Faulty system--as usual. All clear. This has happened approximately once a year.
Karma weighs about 17-18 pounds. She likes to hide in the back of the carrier, which tips it awkwardly and twists my wrist. By the time I got her home again, I thought my arm was going to fall off. (I can't switch arms, either, because of my bad arm.)
I decided that this was the last time I was carrying her down the stairs and over to the office. I decided right then and there that she was getting her cat stroller--ASAP. I spent the afternoon working on it. I was figuring which one to buy (I had saved a dozen websites when I was online comparison shopping a while back)--and then when I could buy one. I decided that Karma was more important to me than the mixer. So, I ordered a kitty stroller for her!

Will she like the stroller? I hope so. She actually slept most of the afternoon and evening in her dusty old carrier--just because it was out in a new spot, of course, and not in the closet. See how she hugs the back of it?

But then--she needs to have a collar and tag (she is going to hate that!) just in case something would happen and she'd ever get away, you know? So I ordered a collar, tag, harness and leash, and also a new and better pooper scooper as long as I was ordering--hehe! So--we're all set.
I still owe Leah some money--and she said I could pay her back in May. So--who knows? I might still be able to order the mixer, too, in April if I cut back on some other things. If not--I can probably get the mixer in May. At least I don't have to worry about the terrible struggle of getting Miss Karma out of the building. What if it was a real fire one day? I wouldn't have all the time I had yesterday.
And I was really glad I finally have apartment insurance. :)
Our couple of inches of snow--turned out to be quite a few. (I didn't watch the news--was in bed by 8pm. TaDa! Slept at night again! All the excitement woke me up, I guess--kept me awake all day.) Maybe 5-6 inches? I'm guessing. Really heavy wet snow and it is melting pretty quickly.
I hope your day was calmer than mine--chuckle!
That cat stroller is awesome!! I bet Karma will love it! It will be like a portable/moveable porch for her :) Also a good idea for when those darn fire alarms go off! I winced when I read about you hauling her down the stairs with your bad arm!! :(
They biggest question will be the "moving" part--hehe! She cries in a car and part of the time I am carrying her around--so we'll see if she settles down being pushes about--chuckle! If nothing else--it will make the exit for the fire alarm much easier. :)
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