The new contraption arrived yesterday--a port squid from ThinkGeek. Leah ordered it for me online since the last contraption died--again--from Best Buy, I think? She said we needed to try a different brand completely. And--I hooked it up myself--tada! Ridiculously simple to genuine "geeks"--hehe!--but I was glad I figured out how to do it.
Karma actually tried to squeeze into this little box the squid came in--silly girl! Cried and raced around the aprtment out of frustration. But she came back later and found it was good for scratching her face.
Caroline comes to clean this morning. Leah and Ariel will be arriving after that. Going to introduce Ariel to papermaking today--fun! Love to share information like this--see how somebody likes a new craft? I am guessing she'll enjoy it.
We had wind gusts up to 38 mph yesterday. Karma wanted to go out on the porch, of course. She had just gotten out there when a loud gust came whooshing up -- and it must have come right up under her feet and moved the carpet. I haven't seen Miss Karma jump a foot straight up in the air since she was a kitten!! I still chuckle when I remember the look on her face.
No wonder cats hate to be embarrassed. We laugh at them. I am still laughing! :)
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