New pictures of Dagan and Leah's house!
The windows have the wrong grid and will be changed when the new ones arrive, I guess.

They have started on the roof over the front door.


Front room--to the left when you walk in.

What you see to the right when you walk in--door to garage and entryway closet is framed. (This one is a little blurry--it's not your eyes--hehe!)

This is the upper living room. You can kind of see where you will be able to look down into the front room on the main floor.

Kitchen--the corner pantry is framed in and to the right of that will be the broom closet.

This will be the dining room with the french doors--right off the kitchen.

And on this side you can see they have been framing in the master bath, closet, and the laundry room to the left. To the right is the master bedroom. And you can see they will have vaulted ceilings in the main room upstairs.

It is really coming along. I guess they are putting the tar paper down for the shingling, too. Won't be long now and Dagan and Leah will be spending all their spare time painting, tiling, and putting in bamboo flooring! :)
Today is going to be a busy day. Leah, Ariel, and Amber should be here about 10am. Caroline will be here about 11:30am. I am hoping to have the bread loaves made & rising and the kitchen all cleaned before Caroline arrives.
So right now--I am gathering trash up and cat toys off the floor. And it hit me that today will be Karma's worst nightmare! She will be hiding from everybody in the bedroom under the bed and if Caroline comes in there to vacuum--she has no place to run and hide from the vacuum cleaner! So, I will tell Caroline not to vacuum in the bedroom today and I will keep the door mostly shut--just wide enough for Karma to come out if she needs to. :)
I am Karma's great protector, after all. :) No matter how she can bluster--she's a fraidy cat about some things.
Got to get going....
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