Rita's Ramblings: a basically house-bound woman in Fargo, North Dakota blogging for friends, family, and anybody who finds it interesting. I talk about art or craft projects, my grandsons (Ian and Liam), the weather, movies, books, health, and whatever happens to be going on in my life. Welcome!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
But playing the treat game--well, it was getting to the point where she'd rather eat the treats than her dry food. (So much more fun, right?) Saying no to Karma when she has her mind set on something --- well, she's a character and I'm kind of like a bad grandmother. She cracks me up and I let her get away with things I would never have let my other cats do. I made the mistake of laughing and giving her the treats when she did the following--and there was no going back!
First, Karma sits right under the treat drawer and stares at me. She usually does this at night. Not too often during the day.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
Funny--she does the same throwing the head back thing when she is all lovey-dovey and wants to cuddle with me. She talks away and purrs. Part of the head tossing thing then is she wants to be scratched and petted--trying to charm me into obliging her.
Cats! Gotta love em'!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Friday, June 20, 2008
Friday-11:45am--Cogitation on positives and hidden blessings
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Dagan and Leah came over and we had a wonderful evening, tho. :) Leah was baking away. Dagan didn't have the right software to fix the laptop and will try again next week. (Was just a night where things were postponed in general--chuckle!) Leah drove Dagan home around midnight. She just left about half an hour ago--with bags of bread and ice cream pails full of cookies!
Was a good night! You can tell we are all relieved they will be out from under that house--come hell or high water, as they say. I don't think any of us realized what a weight this has been. :):)
The sun is coming up. Supposed to rain later. I'll be going to bed here pretty soon. Poor Leah is going to be tired working today. She was getting a lot done on her laptop during the night, tho. Getting a leg up. :) Was so nice just hanging out together last night--all of us. Laughing often again. The birds are singing. Life is good!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Once again it is supposed to be nice and no rain today--tada! So I can leave all the windows open again--ahhh! Been so nice the past three days. :) Well, off to catch a few winks.....
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
What woke me up, actually, was the garage dad. There's this one dad that spends his time outside with the kids sometimes in the evenings. He paces about or sits in his lawn chair inside the front of his garage--and he is a shouter. Since he is always shouting and yelling, the kids get really loud, also. They generally do not respond to his demands and instructions. But--at least he is out there. The children are supposed to be supervised while they are outside. They aren't. Except for the garage dad and the occasional dad-buddy he knows. He kind of keeps an eye and gives a voice to all the kids who are outside playing at the time. :) I am glad he is out there. Some people drive awfully fast thru the parking lot when little ones are out on trikes zooming about on the pavement. Karma was missing her Kid TV just to keep an ear open for me.
Then Leah came over at around 9pm and left around midnight. She showed me how to use my new mixer! Leah made banana bread and the first tray of chocolate chip cookies. The rest of the dough is in the frig for when she and Dagan come back on Wednesday or Thursday.
I have been up since then except for a one hour nap. I brought out the trash and empty boxes this morning. Also hauled some things back down to the storage area. Got a little something done, anyways. Less cluttered around here. Right now, I am so tired I can barely keep my eyes open. Caroline came to clean this afternoon--and now I am going to go lie down again. I suppose I should check the weather online to see if I can leave the chair uncovered for Miss Karma--hehe!--just in case I am lucky enough to sleep a long time again.....
Monday, June 16, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Hard to believe I have lived through violent, destructive tornadoes and yet I don't get too nervous about tornado sirens. Just didn't feel like one was coming right here--can't explain it. (If I didn't live on third floor I probably wouldn't have even gotten dressed--hehe!) I am still in awe of nature and love a good storm! Just don't want them to get destructive, of course. Much rather Mother Nature just stuck to her awesome thunderstorms.
Oh! And--for some mysterious reason--???--the leaking stopped from the bedroom window frame? With all the rain we have been having--no dripping? Maybe the wind was just the right direction and getting water under the shingles for a couple of days? I have no clue. Maybe it healed itself? It definitely is a mystery! ??? They still better check the roof.
I am slowly recovering. Not sleeping all that well yet--except that one night (probably sheer exhaustion!). But am sleeping better every day. The sleep & pain roller coaster ride is such an issue with us fibro people, so I apologize for always talking about it. Things are improving--I'm feeling better.
And I am just tickled to death that Dagan and Leah have a place to live again!! Soon!!! That living out of suitcases can get really old, really fast. I will be so happy to see Leah this week--doing something more normal--baking! And Dagan will probably be here some time, too--to work on my laptop (needs some reprogramming, I guess). They said they'd fill me in more about the lawyers and such this coming week when they come over. Neither of them like to write--even emails--or talk on the phone. You'd never think Dagan was related to me, would you--hehehe!!
Just feels like this huge weight has been lifted! Even though they still have to deal with all the fallout, of course--the tide has turned and I believe they will find a way to extricate themselves from this nightmare--come what may. No matter how long it takes.
The birds are singing the sun up. Going to be a good day. :)
Saturday, June 14, 2008
She told me they were looking at another condo last night and then were heading to Dagan's dad's for a kind of delayed Memorial Weekend gathering this weekend.
I got an email today--they took this place they looked at in West Fargo last night! Brand new! Similar floor plan to the townhome/condo I saw in Fargo, but instead of looking out at a man-made pond it looks out onto a forest and the Sheyenne River (narrow part)!! It is still close to Interstate 94 but, because of the trees, it isn't as noisy. They were just laying the carpeting!! Has more square footage, too--even larger! I am so happy for them!
Been playing around trying to learn to write my name in Chinese with my brush pens. They really seem to help me with consistency. I suppose they would have to, wouldn't they?
When I feel well again I will be back to my secret projects--hehe! I have turned the corner, so to speak. Am on the mend now. :)
Friday, June 13, 2008