Karma licking her chops.

Bed in the morning and just got up a little while ago....got to get moving. Leah and Ariel will be here for Crafts in a couple of hours.
Last time Leah discovered that working with the Cuttlebug on my glass TV tray worked really well--better height than the table--so I have that all set up.

Got caught up with my writing magazines, anyways. But--once again--I am so far behind online that I have to apologize to everybody. I will get caught up--eventually. I always do. :):)
Been a little warmer--close to 50--and drier. But still cloudy and dark.
Leah said she and Ariel are bringing all the fixin's for sandwiches to eat for dinner before we start on the Christmas cards. Nice!
Oddly, my day has just begun. I think it is going to be a really good one! :):)
I hope you had a lovely day, Rita.....and it's good to hear you're feeling a little better too. It's a wonder Karma didn't notice that sticker.
Have a nice time with Leah and Ariel!
Hi Serena,
Well, turned out Leah is still battling the cold and sore throat and I wouldn't doubt she might have picked up that cruddy cold I got that lasted for weeks and made you sooo tired. Poor baby! She went home after work to go to bed early. So--you got the scoop--hehe! I am going to either work on the cards by myself here or deal with the 10 gallon. I forgot that I need to find the old air pump in the garage. It's nice to not have such sharp pain today so far. :):) And I took the banana sticker off Karma--ROFL!
Glad you were feeling better!
Does a banana label work like one of those nicoderm patches? Has Karma stopped having a hankering for bananas lately?
I couldn't bring myself to comment on your entry wishing Dagan a happy birthday - it seems only fitting the only comments there are yours and Leah's.
Happy belated Birthday Dagan - you and I share the same day - I wish you many more years of happiness.
Hi Iggy!
The sticker must be so powerful that just being in the same room when she was a kitten removed all banana cravings forever and ever--hehe! Maybe I should duct tape a treat nugget to her side--ROFL!
Dagan's birthday was actually on Monday the 2nd--and I guess I couldn't talk about it this year, myself, for a couple of days. After that brief scare--one happy, happy especially grateful Mom this year. :):) Dagan would probably just be embarrassed if he read my blog--hehe!
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