Wow! I got my first Christmas card already yesterday! Thanks, Doug!

Anyways, I finished up the snowflakes so I could clear off my favorite end of the table and start on the angel bookmark order. :) I made a few extras--just in case. We have had strange things happen with the laminating. The bookmarks are fed into the laminator as it is moving and the results depend on who is doing the job. We've had them overlapped or too close together to even separate. Sure--we don't have to pay for the lamination on those, but it took time to make them--duh! You want to find a conscientious employee, that's for sure.
I got the card stock cut, the angels stamped, and then hand painted the accent details with burgundy shiny paint. But the heart needed to pop and be even more shimmery--and I couldn't remember which paint I had used.

Wow! I've never gotten a thank you like this before. A sticker, embellishments, and a tiny rubber stamp rose!
Susan hand wrote a personal thank you on the invoice and because we only ordered the Bow-Easy and nothing else she also refunded us $2.85 on the shipping so it was only $2.00. As you can tell, I was impressed!
You can make seven sizes of bows with this little piece of plastic. Always the same size--a godsend for the anal, bow-tying impaired--hehe!
I had seen these before in a catalog, but had absolutely no clue how it worked...
...until I accidentally ran across a youtube video a while back. And look what came right in the package! Obviously they realize that there are a lot of less imaginative folks out there (like me) who need to be shown. ROFL!
And the how-to video I found was made by Susan herself--tada!
I will never be afraid of making bows for cards again! :)
As you can see, depending on how the light hits the heart it can change color! Cool! In normal light they look more burgundy.
I like these hearts even better than the ones on the original angel bookmarks I made! Love they way they change color in the light. I hope the lady likes them. :)
I will never be afraid of making bows for cards again! :)
Last night I finished painting the hearts (again) and added the golden halos.

Okay--the angels have been drying all night (that shimmery paint can take quite a while to totally dry) and this morning I will glue the angels to the burgundy background card stock so they will be ready to go to the lamination machine! Happy dance! Because Leah is planning on coming over this afternoon to work on the Christmas cards--and I actually have the angels ready for her to take to Office Max Monday (it's her Monday off tomorrow--perfect!). Perfect timing that this order happened while I am on a streak of good days!! :)
Our next step on the Christmas cards is to pick a sentiment and then stamp and emboss them on the white strips of cardstock. Another task of about a hundred. Then we can begin the best part--the actual construction. Yipee! Fun! Fun!
The sun is trying to peek out thru the clouds, but it looks like a lost cause unless this blanket of clouds gets blown over to Minnesota--ROFL!
Well, I hope to have pictures of some finished snowflake cards to show you tomorrow--whee! :):)
We received our first Christmas card lat week, so hard to believe it is that time already!
I love your angels, the colors are gorgeous..they are just cute!! I am sure the ladies will adore them!
Hope you have a great week Rita! Stay in and stay warm!..and pet Karma or me too! :)
Wow! A Christmas card already?!?
I better get moving on the holiday "stuff"...
I don't send out my Christmas cards until mid-December or so. I know some who send out right after Thanksgiving, tho. You do very good work.
Hey Rita, so I totally stink because I got carried away with my own crap and I didn't even send you the money for the pictures you sent! :( I am so sorry! I was catching up on your blog and could not believe the progress you have made on your etsy store. Leah is so awesome! I can't wait to open my etsy store!
What kind of paint did you use on the angel cards (the ones that look like a colorful lip gloss assortments lol)?
Well I think I will head on over and buy something from your store!
Keep you eye out in the mail for my payment and a little something...
Oh and I hope to be getting a back to my blog soon. Check back to see!
Keep up the good work!
Rebag--I don't think I have ever gotten a Christmas card in November before--hehe! The angel bookmarks turned out nicely and no errors in laminating--not that Leah mentioned, anyways. I will! I will! I will! hehe! :)
Iggy--I know! I couldn't believe it! Really makes you want to hop to, right? Did me! :)
Alice Kay--I don't send mine till the middle of December usually, either. And later if we are way behind finishing them--hehe! Thanks!
Kaine--Thanks for remembering. :) Are you going to sell pottery in your Etsy shop? I will check your blog. Haven't been there for a long time cause you quit posting. Glad to see you back online!!
I used radiant pearls (not shown on the blog, but they come in little pots and are liquid) for all the burgundy accents and then used Twinkling H2O's (the bottom pots in the blog picture) for the second layer on the heart and the gold halo. And a very tiny brush--20/0--hehe! I'll check your blog. :)
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