Look who's home!

Leah left for the post office to mail another Etsy order and Haiying's stack of sheets I printed off. :):) She and Ariel were going to the recycling center, too. Leah is so good about recycling--proud of her. :)
Oh--and Leah suggested I call The Lighthouse about the bad bulb for my lamp (just bought it in June) and they would replace it for me. So Leah was also stopping by there to pick up a new bulb for me, too! Thanks Leah!! Was a great idea to call them and so grateful you would exchange the bulb for me! :):)
Karma looked a little impatient--like, "would you please just sit down". With me being up all night and all day, getting ready to leave, being gone, company, and then I kept moving around taking those darn pictures. She gets this look when she thinks I should just stay in one place so she can sleep--ROFL! She was so tired.

Well, tomorrow Caroline comes. Then Leah (and maybe Ariel) plans to come on both Wednesdays and Thursdays until we get Christmas cards done. Look out Miss Karma, eh?
Me--I am yawning as I am writing this. I only slept five hours and couldn't get back to sleep--so here I am--yawning. Sad. Been such a noodle lately. I hope to be a little more productive the next few days. A little world shaking is always good, right? ROFL! :):)
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog...
...but who jumps over Karma?
I see the ribbon and mechanism all work really nicely!
Looks like you are singing "Let it Snow(flake), Let is Snow(flake)"...
Poor Karma... she's gonna be the so happy when the holidays are over and she can get back to playing with her plastic nylon meshy netty thingy, huh?
Iggy, you crack me up! Who? Who is going to jump over the lazy cat? hehe! Been so long I typed it incorrectly, too. You're right, it's "jumps" not "jumped"--duh!
And I love the "Let it snow (flake)"--now I'll have that in my head. I'll have to tell Leah tonight. We both love snowflakes. :)
Miss Karma is probably hoping for some more dangly Christmas ribbons--hehe! :):)
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